SPONGIA TOSTA (Spong.) – سپونجیا ٹوسٹا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SPONGIA TOSTA (Spong.) – سپونجیا ٹوسٹا RESPIRATORY AND HEART PROBLEMS MENTAL Weeping during heat. Frightened easily at night, startled from sleep. Fear on waking. Weeping, suicidal disposition during perspiration. Terrified anxious expression of face. Irresistible desire to sing, followed by sadness. Anxiety about the future. Tired, loathing of life. Fear of death. Despondent about loss of sexual power. PHYSICAL DRYNESS OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES (nose, larynx, throat, mouth). Dryness of air passages “DRY AS A HORN”. Awakens in a fright and with dyspnoea, AS IF BREATHING THROUGH A SPONGE. COUGH – dry, barking, rasping, whistling, “like a …
SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA (Spig.) سپائجیلیا انتھیلمیا – سپائی جیلیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA (Spig.) سپائجیلیا انتھیلمیا – سپائی جیلیا NEURALGIA MENTAL FEAR OF INJECTIONS, PINS. Delusions floating in air. Restless and anxious. Easily offended. Weak memory. Buried in thought, absorbed. PHYSICAL Affects the nerves: trifacial nerves, heart, eyes, teeth, left side. PAINS: neuralgic, burning, like hot needles, jerking, tearing, stitching, extending to other parts. HEART AFFECTIONS COMBINED WITH EYE COMPLAINTS. Violent, audible palpitations < bending chest forward. Angina pectoris < least motion, lying on left side, deep inspiration. Pain extends to back. Eye: Glaucoma, intolerable pressing pain in eyeballs <left. Sensation of enlargement. As if eye is too large …
(George Vithoulkas describes the homeopathic remedy Bismuth, carefully distinguishing it from Arsenicum and Phosphorus.) Bismuth is a remedy which should be thought of in cases where the focus of the problem lies in the stomach region. Severe stomach pain of whatever origin is a strong indicator for this remedy, particularly in cases of pure gastritis, and inflammation of the mucous lining of the stomach. The Bismuth patient’s face is earthy, pale, with blue rings around eyes; there is great thirst for cold drinks in the evening, nausea and pressure in stomach after eating with great drowsiness in the …