GLONOIN (Glon.) – گلونائن Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
GLONOIN (Glon.) – گلونائن AGGRAVATION FROM SUN AND HEAT, SUNSTROKE. MENTAL Confusion as if being intoxicated, forgets or does not recognize well-known streets, which side is his house. Makes mistakes in localities, does not recognize his relatives. Mental symptoms from injuries to head. Concentration difficult. Memory weakness. Time passes too slowly. Depression. Desires death. Aversion to answering, desire to be silent. Aversion to husband, dislikes her children. Delusions chin is too long, enlarged. Fear of being poisoned. Attempts to escape, springs suddenly from bed. Shrieking screaming, shouting in children. Striking after convulsions. PHYSICAL <SUN, HEAT. CONGESTION …
GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS (Gels.) – جیلسی میم In Gelsemium the weakness and trembling are the main characteristics. Those individuals are totally afraid; they are trembling psychologically and physically especially from anticipation or when they have to perform. The mind is weak and confused. The muscles feel also weak to a state of paralysis. WEAKNESS & TREMBLING ON ALL LEVELS MENTAL COWARDICE. TIMIDITY APPEARING IN PUBLIC, even in a small group. AILMENTS FROM BAD NEWS, FROM ANTICIPATION. Dullness of mind, difficulty of thinking > flow of urine. PHYSICAL Lack of muscular coordination- TREMBLING OF LOWER LIMBS. AILMENTS FROM ANTICIPATION, FRIGHT, …
FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور MENTAL DOMINEERING, MATERIALISTIC WITH STRONG SEXUAL DESIRE. LASCIVIOUS THOUGHTS. Egotism, focus on their pleasure, isolated from others, indifferent to loved ones. Inability to realize responsibility. Hurriedness, rapid speech, rapid eating. Mistakes in spelling, putting right for left and vice versa. Anxiety. Strong anxiety about health. Fear of cancer, of apoplexy. Fear of suffering, but endures it well. PHYSICAL VARICOSE VEINS, ulcers, ulcerations (of uterus) etc. Indicated in deep, destructive processes such as bedsores. EXCESS SEXUAL DESIRE, PROMISCUITY. Increased desire with violent erections at night, during sleep. Swollen scrotum. Gangrene …
LACHESIS (Lach.) – لیکسیس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
LACHESIS (Lach.) – لیکیسس The Lachesis patient is passionate with strong emotions, jealous. We see hypertension, hypersexuality, loquacity. Any constriction or suppression is intolerable. Often the patient experiences chocking, suffocative feeling in the throat, intolerance to tight clothing. There’s the need to bring out, to release the emotions or the discharges (on the physical level) in order for the patient to be ameliorated. LOQUACITY, JEALOUSY, FEAR OF SNAKES MENTAL JEALOUSY, ailments from jealousy. Delirium from jealousy. Envy. LOQUACITY. Changing from one subject to another. FEAR OF SNAKES. Dreams of snakes. Premenstrual syndrome. Sadness before menses. >beginning …
LAC CANINUM (Lac-c.) – لیک کینینم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
LAC CANINUM (Lac-c.) – لیک کینینم SYMPTOMS ALTERNATE SIDES, FEAR OF SNAKES MENTAL FEAR OF SNAKES. Has hallucinations or dreams about them. Fear of fainting, death, falling, impending diseases. Very forgetful, absent-minded. Goes off and leaves purchases. Delusions is swimming in the air. Low confidence. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS APPEAR IN ALTERNATING SIDES. Vertigo with feeling as if he’s not touching the bed, as if floating, as if gliding and feet did not touch the ground. Shining, glazed appearance of throat. White, pearly membrane in throat esp. when alternating sides. Migratory diphtheria. Post diphtheritic paralysis. Sore throats and …
DULCAMARA (Dulc.) – ڈلکامارا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
DULCAMARA (Dulc.) – ڈلکامارا RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS & SKIN PROBLEMS, <COLD WET WEATHER MENTAL Domineering, dictatorial. Quarrelsome and abusive without anger. They take care of others, they are loving, but in a domineering way. Anxiety for others. Restless, cannot keep still. Memory weakness for words. Uses the wrong words. Confusion, dullness esp. from damp air. Depression. PHYSICAL Complaints brought on or aggravated by DAMP, WET or COLD, DAMP, WET WEATHER or GETTING WET (pain in back, extremities, abdomen, head, teeth, inflammation of eye, asthma, suppressed menses etc.). Urticaria from becoming wet. Diarrhoea after standing on damp ground. …
DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA (Dros.) – ڈروسرا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA (Dros.) – ڈروسرا RESPIRATORY AFFECTIONS MENTAL DELUSION HE IS PERSECUTED, he’s pursued by enemies. Suspicious and mistrustful. Fear of hearing bad news. Anxiety about the future. The anxiety comes mostly in the evening or at night on waking and is increased when alone. Can become suicidal anxiety. Suicidal thoughts by drowning. Alternating mood. Confusion of mind esp. during chill. Difficult concentration, restless esp. while reading. PHYSICAL Predominantly a cough remedy. Phthisis of larynx and trachea with rapid emaciation. MARKED AFFECTS ON THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Well known for its relationship with pertussis. DRYNESS AND IRRITATION …
DIOSCOREA VILLOSA (Dios.) – ڈیوسکوریا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
DIOSCOREA VILLOSA (Dios.) – ڈیوسکوریا ABDOMINAL PAINS BETTER WITH STRETCHING MENTAL CONFUSED AFTER STOOL, after coition. Tired individuals who want to be quiet. Aversion to company and conversation. Has lost ambition. Mind becomes more and more tired and eventually forgets words, makes mistakes in using words, in writing. Calls things by using the wrong words, ex. confusing left for right, etc. Fear of people. Feels restless <night, yet walking ameliorates. Anxiety after a stool. Anxiety on waking. PHYSICAL Severe cramping, gripping, cutting ABDOMINAL PAIN, as if the intestines are twisting >STRETCHING, BENDING BACKWARD. Severe cases of …
DIGITALIS PURPUREA (Dig.) – ڈیجیٹیلس – ڈیجی ٹیلس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
DIGITALIS PURPUREA (Dig.) – ڈیجیٹیلس – ڈیجی ٹیلس BRADYCARDIA MENTAL FEAR OF DEATH FROM CARDIAC SYMPTOMS. FEAR HEART WILL STOP FROM MOTION. Fear of death while walking. Fear he will die if he goes to sleep. Every shock strikes in the epigastrium. Fearful apprehensiveness with sadness, extremely aggravated by music. Remorse guilty feelings. Suspicious and mistrustful. Unsympathetic. Dull and lethargic. Indisposed to talk. Anguish with nausea. Anxiety from motion. Anxiety with great dread of future < about 6 p.m. with sadness and weeping which brings relief. Anxiety felt in stomach. Attempts to escape. PHYSICAL PULSE IS WEAK, IRREGULAR, …