CROTON TIGLIUM (Crot-t.) – کروٹن Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CROTON TIGLIUM (Crot-t.) – کروٹن DIARRHOEA – INFLAMMATION OF THE NIPPLES IN NURSING WOMEN MENTAL ANXIETY AMELIORATED IN OPEN AIR. Dullness, confusion of mind from beer, from bread. Morose, dissatisfied, with aversion to work. Fear with diarrhoea as if something will happen. PHYSICAL DIARRHOEA with stool which is gushing < IMMEDIATELY AFTER EATING OR DRINKING. Rumbling and gurgling before and after stool. Copious stool at night. Abdominal pain ameliorated by passing flatus. Drawing pain in the nipples, as with a string when the child nurses. PAIN IN NIPPLES <WHILE NURSING, TOUCH OF CLOTHING. Pain in eye …
CROTALUS HORRIDUS (Crot-h.) – کروٹیلس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CROTALUS HORRIDUS (Crot-h.) – کروٹیلس HAEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS MENTAL Anger. Delirium loquacious, muttering, maniacal <during fever, during convulsions. Incoherent speech. Delirium during sepsis or from cerebral accidents. Delusions is surrounded by enemy, is falling out of bed, of animals, of phantoms. Dreams of the dead. Aversion to members of family. Suspicious. Attempts to escape, springs out of bed. Anxiety with cold perspiration. Melancholic, depressed and sluggish, seems half alive. Dullness of mind and weak memory. Forgets proper names, dates, words. But has active memory when suppressing the sexual desire. Disconnected answers with coldness of the skin and rapid …
CONIUM MACULATUM (Con.) – کونیم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CONIUM MACULATUM (Con.) – کونیم In Conium all processes take place gradually. Gradual development of tumors, gradual weakness with indurations, gradual loss of intellectual powers. HARDNESS, TUMORS, AILMENTS FROM SUPPRESSED SEXUAL DESIRE MENTAL AILMENTS FROM SUPPRESSED SEXUALITY. Anxiety from suppressed sexual excesses. Sadness after suppressed sexual desire. Hysteria after suppressed sexual excitement. ‘sclerosis’ of brain: develops fixed ideas, becomes superstitious. Sadness from masturbation, from suppressed menses, from continence, during perspiration, periodical. Materialistic, practical, business type. Aversion to mental work. No inclination for business or study, indifference, takes no interest in anything. Dreads being alone, yet aversion …
COLOCYNTHIS (Coloc.) – کالوسنتھس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
COLOCYNTHIS (Coloc.) – کالوسنتھس COLICY PAINS >BENDING DOUBLE, SUPPRESSED ANGER MENTAL EXTREMELY IRRITABLE, becomes ANGRY when QUESTIONED. Throws things away. Ailments after anger with indignation. Ailments after mortification. Aversion to company even of intimate friends. Indisposed to talk, aversion to answer. PHYSICAL Used in acute affections of the DIGESTIVE TRACT & INTESTINES, with long lasting action on NERVES. Pains appear in the larger nerves. AILMENTS AFTER VEXATION OR ANGER (stomach pain, diarrhoea, cough, suppressed menses). PAIN IN ABDOMEN or STOMACH: cramping, cutting, tearing, like electric shock darting through the anus. > BY BENDING DOUBLE, lying on …
COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE (Colch.) – کالچیکم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE (Colch.) – کالچیکم GOUT, NAUSEA AND FAINTNESS FROM ODORS MENTAL SENSITIVE TO ALL EXTERNAL IMPRESSIONS, LIGHT, ODORS, NOISE, RUDENESS. Ailments from rudeness. Wildness in bright light, odors etc. Prostration of mind. Dissatisfied with everything. Memory weakness. Forgetful esp. of words while speaking. Absent minded. Says nothing when questioned. Picks at bed clothes. Restlessness during pregnancy. Unconsciousness during fever. PHYSICAL SENSITIVE TO ODORS. NAUSEA ON LOOKING, SMELLING OR EVEN THINKING OF FOOD. Craving for various things, but averse to them when smelling them. Sensitive to odors esp. of cooking food, fish, eggs, broth. Nausea from …
COFFEA CRUDA (Coff.) – کافیا کروڈا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
COFFEA CRUDA (Coff.) – کافیا کروڈا Oversensitive people, too sensitive to external impressions who get excessively excited and who suffer from insomnia. The Coffea patient has extreme alertness with all the senses under high tension especially the sense of hearing. OVERSENSITIVITY OF NERVOUS SYSTEM, SLEEPLESSNESS MENTAL EXCITEMENT, OVER-SENSITIVITY, ACUTENESS. Oversensitive to pain, to noise, to odors, to all external impressions. Fear of death from pain. Ailments from excessive joy. Ecstasy. Abundant ideas esp. evening and night. Rapid thoughts. Active memory and concentration. Quick to act. PHYSICAL Overexcitement of nervous system. SLEEPLESSNESS from physical and mental excitement, …
COCCULUS INDICUS (Cocc.) – کاکولس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
COCCULUS INDICUS (Cocc.) – کاکولس انڈیکس In Cocculus the vision is not adjusted as the person is moving. The accommodation of the eye is slow resulting to dizziness, headaches, vomiting and vertigo. They are very sensitive to loss of sleep. AILMENTS FROM NIGHT – WATCHING OR LOSS OF SLEEP ESPECIALLY VERTIGO MENTAL AILMENTS FROM CARES ABOUT OTHERS. ANXIETY from LOSS OF SLEEP and NIGHT WATCHING. Slowness of perception. Dullness, answers slowly. Profound sadness. Sits as if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts. Sentimental. Intolerant of contradiction, easily offended. Anxiety about health and health of relatives. Anxiety others …
CINA (Cina) – سینا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CINA (Cina) – سینا The irritation of the nervous system in Cina is such that they cannot have peace. We see the irritation in all levels. In the mental level there’s irritability and capriciousness and on the physical level we see itching, grinding of teeth, convulsions. Imagine the irritation of an organism full of worms. IRRITATION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM MENTAL EXTREME CAPRICIOUSNESS esp. in CHILDREN. Aversion to being TOUCHED, caressed, approached. REJECTING EVERYTHING OFFERED. Striking, throws things away. Shrieking on waking, during sleep, before convulsions. Weeping when carried. PHYSICAL Nervous erethism. MAINLY A REMEDY FOR …
CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (Cimic.) – سمی سی فیوگا ریسی موسا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (Cimic.) – سمی سی فیوگا ریسی موسا CHRONIC HEADACHES AND RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS MENTAL Incessant talking, loquacity changing from one subject to another. Loquacious delirium. Restlessness and uneasiness, difficult concentration, cannot fix attention. Jerky. Dullness with headache. Delusion that heavy black clouds envelope her, that she’s encaged in wires, that sees sheeps, rats. Fear of insanity esp. in menopause. Very suspicious, fear of being poisoned or murdered, of impending danger. Fear of death and rats. 2nd stage: Depressed, gloomy, miserable, with frequent sighing. PHYSICAL Women’s remedy. Complaints during the climacteric period. Cramp in uterus, bearing …