NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.) – نیٹرم سلفیوریکم – نیٹرم سلف WORSE IN WARM WET WEATHER – CHEERFUL AFTER STOOL MENTAL Loathing life, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS by shooting but restrains himself because of grief given to relatives. CHEERFUL AFTER STOOL. Mental…
NATRUM MURIATICUM (Nat-m.) – نیٹرم میور – نیٹرم میوریاٹیکم The characteristic of Nat-m. is the fear of rejection, of being ridiculed. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, so if they get hurt they close up, keeping their sorrow…
NATRUM CARBONICUM (Nat-c.) نیٹرم کارب – نیٹرم کاربونیکم In this remedy the sensitivity is prominent in all levels. They are sensitive like all Natrums but they have a characteristic sensitivity to the presence of other people. They can…