(Prasanta Banerji & Pratip Banerji Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation, India) 1. Introduction Looking back into the history of mankind, one is often startled to find the emergence of some outstanding personalities at different intervals of time. Their thoughts and…

The last one month was amongst the most difficult and challenging periods of my life. It had so many ups and downs (majorly downs :p). I had so many problems in physical, mental and emotional spheres but all of them…

My name is Mrs Ambreen Sohail from Gujranwala Cantt. I’m an online client (as he avoids to use the word patient) of Hussain Kaisrani – Classical Homeopathy Consultant for last 4 years. It doesn’t mean at all that I am constantly…

Mr GK – Age 49 – Married since 18 years contacted me in August 2016. Lets have a look on his case: About One years ago I felt some health problems when I returned back from the Europe after spending more than 10…

Dear Dr Hussain Kaisrani, AOA! As explained on phone, nowadays the only issue is my health issue. Feeling of left side chest pain, I have had multiple visits to emergencies in Pakistan and UK due to this chest pain because…
STRAMONIUM (Stram.) – سٹرامونیم In Stramonium the words to remember are aggressiveness and violence. They can become so violent as to kill. There is a dark element in these patients and it’s interesting here to mention the extreme fear…

Sir i’m from Islamabad so i cannot visit you. I’m very worried about my height. Is there any medicine or remedy to increase my height? Thanks. ———– Dear Miss ….., Thanks for your message. It is OK if you can’t…

محترم قیصرانی صاحب اسلام علیکم ! چمونوں کے بارے میں آپ کا ایک مضمون نظر سے گزرا۔ آپ نے ایک دوا کیوپرم آکس نگ کا ذکر کیا جسے نکس وامیکا 30 کے ساتھ لینا چاہیے۔ ڈاکٹر صاحب! میں چمونوں کے…

ایک خط اور اُس کا جواب ————————- السلام علیکم سر جی سر جی آ پ سے ساتھ فیس بک پر کئی مفید نسخہ لئے ہیں میرا مسلہ یہ ہے کہ میرا پیٹ اکثر خراب رہتا ہے کبھی پاخانہ نرم اور…