SPONGIA TOSTA (Spong.) – سپونجیا ٹوسٹا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SPONGIA TOSTA (Spong.) – سپونجیا ٹوسٹا RESPIRATORY AND HEART PROBLEMS MENTAL Weeping during heat. Frightened easily at night, startled from sleep. Fear on waking. Weeping, suicidal disposition during perspiration. Terrified anxious expression of face. Irresistible desire to sing, followed by sadness. Anxiety about the future. Tired, loathing of life. Fear of death. Despondent about loss of sexual power. PHYSICAL DRYNESS OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES (nose, larynx, throat, mouth). Dryness of air passages “DRY AS A HORN”. Awakens in a fright and with dyspnoea, AS IF BREATHING THROUGH A SPONGE. COUGH – dry, barking, rasping, whistling, “like a …
SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA (Spig.) سپائجیلیا انتھیلمیا – سپائی جیلیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA (Spig.) سپائجیلیا انتھیلمیا – سپائی جیلیا NEURALGIA MENTAL FEAR OF INJECTIONS, PINS. Delusions floating in air. Restless and anxious. Easily offended. Weak memory. Buried in thought, absorbed. PHYSICAL Affects the nerves: trifacial nerves, heart, eyes, teeth, left side. PAINS: neuralgic, burning, like hot needles, jerking, tearing, stitching, extending to other parts. HEART AFFECTIONS COMBINED WITH EYE COMPLAINTS. Violent, audible palpitations < bending chest forward. Angina pectoris < least motion, lying on left side, deep inspiration. Pain extends to back. Eye: Glaucoma, intolerable pressing pain in eyeballs <left. Sensation of enlargement. As if eye is too large …
(George Vithoulkas describes the homeopathic remedy Bismuth, carefully distinguishing it from Arsenicum and Phosphorus.) Bismuth is a remedy which should be thought of in cases where the focus of the problem lies in the stomach region. Severe stomach pain of whatever origin is a strong indicator for this remedy, particularly in cases of pure gastritis, and inflammation of the mucous lining of the stomach. The Bismuth patient’s face is earthy, pale, with blue rings around eyes; there is great thirst for cold drinks in the evening, nausea and pressure in stomach after eating with great drowsiness in the …
SILICEA (Sil.) – سیلیشیا – سیلیکا – سلیشیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SILICEA (Sil.) – سیلیشیا – سیلیکا – سلیشیا CHILLY BUT PERSPIRES, SENSITIVE, REFINED MENTAL SENSITIVE, REFINED, TIMID, yielding, reserved but obstinate. Prostration of mind. Lack of mental stamina. Difficult concentration. Weakness of memory for mental labor. Fear of literary work. Dread of work. Timidity appearing in public. Fear that their mind won’t be able to withstand the stress of appearing in public. Undertakes nothing due to fear he will fail. Fear of pointed objects, esp. INJECTIONS, PINS. PHYSICAL Develops tumors, fibromas, breast cysts, swollen glands, warts which are usually hard. Caries of bones and spine. Scoliosis. Curvatures. …
SEPIA (Sep.) – سیپیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SEPIA (Sep.) – سیپیا The word to describe Sepia is stagnation. The emotions are still and stagnant. There is indifference and detachment which lead to the characteristic aversion to coition, the irritability towards the husband and the aversion to the family. The physical exertion and dancing seem to stimulate the patient. The leucorrhoea and the aversion to sex are the main characteristics on the physical level. STAGNATION OF EMOTIONS, AVERSION TO COITION, DETACHEMENT MENTAL STILLNESS of emotions and mind, DETACHED. INDIFFERENCE to loved ones. Aversion to company, ameliorated when alone. Aversion to husband, to members of …
SARSAPARILLA (Sars.) – سارسیپریلا – سرساپریلا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SARSAPARILLA (Sars.) – سارسیپریلا – سرساپریلا MAINLY FOR URINARY TRACK INFECTIONS MENTAL Mental depression caused by the pains. Weeping before and during micturition. Changeable mood, alternating. Excitable, industrious during heat. PHYSICAL CYSTITIS WITH PAIN IN THE BLADDER and URETHRA AT THE CLOSE OF THE URINATION. Frequent urging to urinate. Ineffectual urging. Last part of urine is bloody with violent pain in the bladder. Burning pain after urination. Can only pass urine while standing, dribbling while sitting but passes freely when standing. Chills spread from the bladder. Coldness of back after urinating. Sediment in urine. Deep, bloody, burning …
SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS (Sang.) – سینگونیریا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS (Sang.) – سینگونیریا COMPLAINTS ESPECIALLY HEADACHES > VOMITING MENTAL Delusions that people around her are talking rapidly. LASSITUDE, indisposed to move or make any mental effort. Delusion she was in some vehicle which was moving and jarring her, begs others to hold her. Desires to be held. Oversensitive to noise. Irritable, morose. PHYSICAL Right – sided remedy affecting the head, liver, chest and right deltoid. VOMITING AND NAUSEA accompany complaints. VOMITING AMELIORATES. HEADACHE > VOMITING, sleep, passing flatus or eructation. Headache starts from right occipital protuberance and extend to the eye. Periodic headaches often every …
SECALE CORNUTUM (Sec.) – سیکیل کار – سکیل کار – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SECALE CORNUTUM (Sec.) – سیکیل کار – سکیل کار ACTS MAINLY ON THE CIRCULATION MENTAL Shameless, exposes the person. Wants to be naked. Raging, violent, muttering, maniacal delirium. Restlessness. Discouraged and anxious. Apathy. Suicidal disposition to throw himself from a height. Senility. Confusion of mind. PHYSICAL Hot remedy. Aggravated by warmth both generally and locally. Although he is hot and does not want covers, the skin feels cold to touch. Icy coldness with sweat and blueness but cannot bear to be covered, desires to uncover. Chill and coldness of extremities but uncovering ameliorates. GANGRENE of any part of …
SAMBUCUS NIGRA (Samb.) سمبوکس – سیمبوکس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SAMBUCUS NIGRA (Samb.) سمبوکس – سیمبوکس RESPIRATORY AFFECTIONS WITH EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION MENTAL Suffocative attacks of asthma after fright. Mental symptoms during perspiration (confusion, restlessness, starting, unconsciousness, anxiety). Fear and anxiety during suffocative attacks. PHYSICAL Mostly a children’s remedy. Perspiration in bed before sleep and after waking. Perspiration of the affected parts only while awake. AS SOON AS HE GOES TO BED THE PERSPIRATION STOPS AND THE SKIN BECOMES DRY AND BURNING. Dry heat during sleep, profuse perspiration on waking. Perspiration with aversion to uncovering. General sweat except the head. Wakes up after a few hours of sleep with …
SABINA (Sabin.) – سبائنا – سبائینا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SABINA (Sabin.) – سبائنا – سبائینا METRORRHAGIA WITH BIG CLOTS MENTAL Closed, feels forsaken, sad and melancholic < consolation. Oversensitive to music, sadness from music. Music is intolerable, it goes through the bones. Oversensitive to slightest noise. Crying or speaking about their emotions is difficult. Non communicative, indisposed to talk. Desire to be alone. The INTENSITY IS EXPRESSED AT NIGHT where they cry and talk during sleep. Confusion. Tired, looks for the bed. PHYSICAL HORMONAL IMBALANCE resulting to excessive sexual desire, uterine complaints (polypus, myoma etc.), metrorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, abortions. HAEMORRHAGES – (menses, metrorrhagia) always PROFUSE with BIG …