Baryta Iodata Baric iodide Ba I2 Trituration The essential features The main action of Baryta iodata is to retard development and to infiltrate, enlarge and indurate glands and organ tissues. You will need this remedy mostly with children,…
Baryta Carbonica Carbonas baryta “Carbonate of Barium Ba CO3, with which are included symptoms of Baryta acetica – Barium acetate Ba(C2H3O2)2. (I follow Hering and Hahnemann in combining the two, as I agree with Hering that “there is hardly any…
Baptisia Tinctoria Wild Indigo N.O. Leguminosae Tincture of fresh root and its bark. The essential features Baptisia has come down to us as a remedy for typhus, although it has been a subject for controversy over the…
Bacillinum Burnett A nosode of tuberculosis first described by D. Burnett, prepared from tuberculous sputum by Dr. Heath. The essential features The constitutional type that needs this remedy is usually characterised by a flat, narrow or hollow chest, shoulders…
Aurum Muriaticum Auric Chloride The essential features Aurum muriaticum is a remedy with a great deal of feeling; it is the most passionate and romantic remedy, with particularly erotic feelings. It is a tubercular remedy par excellence, and…
Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum Double chloride of Gold and Sodium. Chloro-aurate of Soda. The essential features Aurum muriaticum natronatum is another member of the Aurum family that primarily affects the sexual-hormonal balance in women. Its sphere of action is not…
Aurum Metallicum Aurum foliatum, Aurum purum English: Gold leaf, Pure gold French: Or en feuilles, Or pur German: Gold, Blatgold The essential features Gold imprints upon the human organism the idea of self-destruction, of annihilation, of death. When…
Asarum Europaeum (A Case of Irritability, intolerance to withstand people, Noises and Hyper Responsive to Minor Stimuli – An Asarum Europaeum Case – Hussain Kaisrani) Asarum vulgare, Asarum foliis reniformibus subhirsutis English: Asarabacca, Fole’s Foot, Hazelwort, Wild Nard French: Asaret,…
Asa Foetida O. Umbelliferae The essential features Whenever you think of Asafoetida, your mind naturally goes to fat, plethoric, hysterical individuals, with a purple face and a lot of hysterical symptoms. The central idea of Asafoetida is unsteadiness and…
Arsenicum Album Acidum arsenicosum English: White arsenic, arsenious acid, Arsenic Trioxide French: Arsenic, Oxyde blanc d’arsenic, Acide arsenieux German: Arsenik, Arsenige Saure Mode of preparation: 5 centigrams are put into a vial with 4 grams of distilled water; the…