Antimonium Crudum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Antimonium Crudum Native sulphide of Antimony SbS2 The essential features Antimonium crudum is a seldom-prescribed remedy which should be used more frequently in practice. The following is a description of the constitutional Antimonium crudum patient, the type of person who will in the course of his lifetime develop the symptomatology of this remedy. Antimonium crudum preferentially affects the emotional level. These patients display an unbalanced emotional state, the emotions vacillating between an extreme sentimentality, which is expressed, and a very closed, withdrawn state of moodiness and sulkiness. Antimonium crudum is one of the most emotional, most sentimental remedies of …
Antimonium Tartaricum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Antimonium Tartaricum Tartar Emetic 2[ K(SbO)C4H4O6 ] H2O Trituration and solutions The essential features This remedy finds its primarily usefulness in severe cases and hospitalized cases; these cases may be classified according to the organ system principally affected: a. the respiratory system the digestive system the nervous system This remedy is most frequently of use in affections of the respiratory system (in contradistinction to Antimonium crudum where the main seat of trouble is the digestive system). Antimonium tartaricum is most effective for disorders of the lower respiratory tract – the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Inflammations of the lower respiratory …
Anthracinum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Anthracinum The essential features Anthracinum is indicated in patients who suffer chronically from carbuncles, boils, hydradenitis, and tumors which tend to have a malignant appearance, a reddish-black color, and cause a burning sensation and extreme pain. In Anthracinum, ulceration takes place easily, with sloughing and excruciating burning pains. Cellular tissues become edematous and indurated. Anthracinum meets septic conditions with enormous swelling, intolerable burning pains, and with dark-red discoloration of the inflamed part. Generally in this remedy there is a tendency to easy suppuration and sepsis. For the most part, the central theme of Anthracinum is concentrated upon the intolerably …
Anhalonium Lewinii – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Anhalonium lewinii Anhalonium Lewinii Lophophora williamsii Mescaline; “Mescal buttons” Peyote; Peyotl; Pellote Natural order: Cactaceae The essential features This seldom-indicated remedy – at least in the past – will be much more frequently indicated in the future. Anhalonium activates specific areas of the brain which seem to be concerned with the higher and highest functions of this organ; it appears to affect what could be called the spiritual aspect, or, even better, the transcendental aspect of our existence. I believe that these functions, or rather, this capacity of the brain to apprehend new dimensions in understanding and achieving higher …
Anacardium Orientale – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Anacardium Orientale anacardium orientale Semecarpus anacardium English: Marking-nut tree, Malacca bean French: Anacarde, Anacardien, Anacarde a feuilles longues, Feve de Malac German: Elephantenlaus, Malakka-nuss, Elephantem Laeusebaum, Anakardiem baum Italian: Anacardos Dutch: Anacardienboom, Hartjes Spanish: Anacard Bengal: Belaluhi Natural order: Terebinthinaceae. Family Jussieu [vegetable substance] — Pentandria digynia, L. The name is derived from two Greek words, ana — without, and cardium — a heart, because the pulp of the fruit, instead of having the seed enclosed, has the nut growing out at the end of it. There was a discrepancy as to whether Anacardium was the nut of the Semecarpus …
Ammonium Carbonicum – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Ammonium Carbonicum Carbonas [sub] ammonii Sal volatile anglicanum English: Sesqui carbonate of ammonia; Smelling salts French: Ammoniaque carbonate; Sous-carbonate d’ammoniaque; alkali volatil concret; Sel volatil d’ Angleterre German: Fluchtiges Lügensaltz The essential features This is a complex remedy, one which is very little understood, and therefore seldom used. Most probably, other remedies, such as one of the Kali’s, especially Kali carbonicum, or Antimonium tartaricum or Carbo vegetabilis, are prescribed instead. Its symptomatology seems to be quite complex, covering a number of different pathological states, and its uniqueness is consequently difficult to grasp. Kent describes Ammonium carbonicum as “a deep-acting, …
Ambra Grisea – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Ambra grisea Ambra Grisea seu Ambrosiaca. Ambra vera seu maritima French: Ambre gris German: Graue ambra English: Ambergris; Gray amber Animal substance Ambra grisea or Ambergris is a grayish, waxy pathologic secretion from the intestine of the sperm whale and is found floating in tropical seas. It occurs as a flammable, waxy mass, insoluble in water with a melting point of 60o C. It contains cholesterol and benzoic acid. Along with its Homeopathic use it is also used as a base for perfume. Mode of preparation: Trituration and tincture The essential features The key word that best describes the …
ہومیوپیتھک دوا کینابس انڈیکا – جارج وتھالکس
تلخیص و ترجمہ ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان، واہ کینٹ ڈاکٹر ملک مسعود یحیےٰ حشیش ذہنی جذباتی علامات: * ہر قسم کے اوہام * موت کا خوف اور ذہنی انتشار کے ہمراہ دہشت زدگی * خوف کہ وہ خود پر قابو نہیں رکھ سکے گا * پاگل ہوجانے کا خوف * ہمیشہ سوال کرے مسلسل نظریات قائم کرے * ذہنی انتشار * بہت زیادہ بھولنے والا۔ اپنے آخری الفاظ اور خیالات بھول جائے * ایک جملہ شروع کرے لیکن جو کہنا چاہتا ہے بھول جائے * دماغ میں مختلف خیالات کے اجتماع کے باعث گزرے واقعات کو یاد رکھنے کی نا …
Aletris farinosa – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Aletris Farinosa Star Grass. BLazing Grass. Colic Root. Unicorn Root. N.O. Haemodoraceae. Tincture of root. The essential features Aletris farinosa is a remedy that should be thought of in cases of prolapsus of the uterus where Sepia or similar remedies seemed to be well indicated and did not act. The similarities with Sepia go beyond this however as we shall see from the development of the remedy. This is primarily a woman’s remedy that is suitable for anemic and debilitated females with little stamina in body and mind, where the reproductive organs are at fault, relaxed and heavy, much …
Alumina – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Alumina Aluminum oxydatum, Argilla pura. English: Oxide of aluminium, common clay French: Alun, Argile German: Thonerde, Alaunerde Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals on earth, being found in air, water and soil. It is used in the manufacture of abrasives, smelting and in antacids. In olden times it was confounded with lime and silica, but it has been recognized now as an oxide of aluminum [Al2O3]. After silica, aluminum is one of the most widely disseminated substances in nature and is found almost pure in the sapphire, corundum and adamantine spar. It is extracted from alum, which is …