Aesculus Hippocastanum Hippocastanum vulgaris. Horse chestnut Natural order: Sapindaceae. Homeopathic preparation: Tincture of the ripe, fresh nut. The essential features Aesculus has established a wonderful reputation, and rightly so, for painful and enormously protruding hemorrhoids, purple in colour, that…
Adrenalinum Adrenalin is also called Epinephrine. It is a sarcode and it is obtained as an extract from the adrenal or suprarenal glands. In Homeopathy we use the tincture or trituration. Practitioners should take special care when using this extract,…
Aconitum caule simplici; Aconitum vulgare English: Large blue wolfsbane, Monkshood, Aconite, Helmet flower, Friar’s cap. French: Aconit napel, Napel, Aconit. German: Napel Sturmhut, Eisenhut, Blauer Sturmhut Italian: Napello Spanish: Napelo. Dutch: Monnikskap Danish: Dreumunke Swedish: Stormbat Russian: Borets Natural…
ACETICUM ACIDUM English: Glacial acetic acid; ethanoic acid French: Acide acetique German: EssigsŠure Acetic acid [CH3 COOH] is an acid anhydride and the most important of all carboxylic acids. It is a product of the oxidation of ethanol and the…
Abrotanum Artemisia abrotanum. Lady’s Love. Southernwood. N.O. Compositae. Tincture of fresh leaves and stems. The essential features Abrotanum is the remedy to be thought of first in a case of “metastasis”, or alternation of pathological conditions. A bout of diarrhea…
Lycopodium is one of the deepest and broadest acting remedies in the entire Materia Medica, potentially affecting all conditions know to mankind. Despite its wide application, however, there is a central thread which runs through the remedy and clarifies its…
بچوں کے ابتدائی چند سال ہی اُن کے مستقبل کی بنیاد ہوتے ہیں۔ والدین کو چاہئے کہ اُن کے اندر ظاہر ہونے والی تبدیلیوں پر نظر رکھیں؛ اُن کے مسائل کو سمجھیں اور حل کرنے کے صحیح طریقے اختیار کریں۔…
آج ایک اہم ترین اور بے شمار تکلیفوں میں استعمال ہونے والی ہومیوپیتھک دوا برائی اونیا ایلبا (Bryonia Alba) کی بات کرتے ہیں۔ اِس دوا کی تفصیل تو بہت طول طویل ہے تاہم اپنے اُن قارئین کو سادہ انداز میں…
Platina is a remedy which exemplifies the process of perversion of an conflict between normal functions which can occur in a particular type of individual. The Platina patient, on the one hand, is driven by a powerful, excessive sexual desire;…
Tarentula hispanica, although it has many symptoms in common with other remedies mentioned, it also has a particularly distinctive personality. The primary focus of action of Tarentula, especially in the first stages, is on the nervous system. The nervous system…