RUMEX CRISPUS (Rumex) ریومیکس AFFECTIONS OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM < COLD PHYSICAL COUGH constant, tickling, croupy, hoarse, whooping, hacking, paroxysmal. < inhaling cold air, going from warm to cold, irregular breathing, touching the larynx, eating, bending head backward.…
RHUS TOXICODENDRON (Rhus-t.) رہس ٹاکس رس ٹاکس RESTLESSNESS, AGGRAVATED BY KEEPING STILL MENTAL EXTREME RESTLESSNESS. Stiff, unable to relax. Anxious and sad. SUPERSTITIOUS. Compulsive, ritualistic behavior. Anxiety about his children, about business. Delusions that he was about…
RHODODENDRON (Rhod.) رہوڈوڈنڈران روڈوڈنڈران COMPLAINTS < DAMP, BEFORE/DURING STORM MENTAL SYMPTOMS < BEFORE OR DURING THUNDER STORM. Faintness, confusion, excitement before a storm. Fear of storms. Forgetful of words while speaking. Omitting words when writing. Anxiety on…
RATANHIA (Rat.) ریٹینہیا SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM MENTAL Compulsive neurosis. Superstitions and compulsions of religious nature. Compulsive in general or concerning their rectal hygiene. PHYSICAL Acts on RECTUM, eyes and teeth. Haemorrhoids. Protrude after stool. Fissures…
RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS (Ran-b.) ریننکولس بلبولس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS (Ran-b.) ریننکولس بلبولس AFFECTS THE NERVES AND MUSCLES, ESPECIALLY CHEST MUSCLES MENTALS Closed, careful, rigid people. Intellectual properness, wants to do everything ‘decently’, even sex. However they have aversion to responsibility, they have no ambition, out…
PYROGENIUM (Pyrog.) پائروجن SEPTIC CONDITIONS WHERE PULSE IS DISPROPORTIONATE TO THE TEMPERATURE MENTAL GREAT RESTLESSNESS, tossing about in bed. Loquacious. Rapid thoughts. Thinks and talks faster than ever before during fever. Delusions as if crowded with arms and…
PULSATILLA (NIGRICANS) PRATENSIS (Puls.) پلساٹیلا پلسٹیلا In this remedy, we see that the main characteristic is the changeability. The physical symptoms are changing, the nature of the discharges is changeable, the pains are wandering. On the mental level, we…
PSORINUM (Psor.) سورائنم سورینم CHILLY, DIRTY, DESPERATE WITH ITCHING ERUPTIONS MENTALS ANXIETY ABOUT FUTURE. INSECURE. FEELS HOPELESS, DESPERATE. Anxious about health, DESPAIR OF RECOVERY. Fear of being alone, of business failure, of poverty. Forsaken feeling. Religious despair.…
PODOPHYLLUM (Podo.) پوڈوفائلم ACUTE PROFUSE SPUTTERING, GUSHING DIARRHOEAS MENTAL Delirious loquacity during chill and fever. Melancholia, sadness. Moaning in sleep, during cough. PHYSICAL Profuse diarrhoea. FORCIBLE, EXPLOSIVE, SPUTTERING STOOL. The diarrhoea soils the whole toilet bowl.…
PLUMBUM METALLICUM (Plb.) پلمبم میٹالکم ARTERIOSCLEROSIS MENTAL Suitable to people that are ‘bon viveur’, have the best of everything. Materialistic. Amorous. SLUGGISHNESS OF MENTAL FUNCTIONS. SLOWNESS of perceiving external impressions, comprehension, answering. WEAKNESS OF MEMORY – esp.…