PLATINUM METALLICUM (Plat.) پلاٹینا پلاٹینم میٹالیکم In Platina we see excessive sexuality to the point of nymphomania. We see the inflated, enlarged ego which usually takes two directions: if the sexuality is suppressed, the person is mentally inflated…
PICRICUM ACIDUM (Pic-ac.) پکرک ایسڈ MENTAL EXHAUSTION MENTAL PROSTRATION OF MIND. Begins on the mental level and works through emotions to physical plane. Exhaustion comes suddenly. BRAIN FATIGUE. Dullness, CANNOT CONCENTRATE, cannot think long – mind is…
PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA (Phyt.) فائٹولاکا CONSTANT INCLINATION TO CLENCH THE TEETH – AFFECTIONS OF MAMMAE MENTAL Wants to be naked during delirium. Shamelessness, exposes the person. Sadness, indifference and apathy. Desires to be killed. Aversion to mental work,…
PHYSOSTIGMA (Phys.) فائسوسٹگما EYE COMPLAINTS, NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS MENTAL Intense mental activity (Cann-i., Coff.), cannot stop thinking. Cannot concentrate the mind. PHYSICAL Heaviness of lids (Gels.). Night blindness; myopia. Twitching lids. Eye strain (Ruta, Onos., Nat-m.). Contractions of…
PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) فاسفورس DIFFUSION IN ALL LEVELS MENTAL OPEN AND IMPRESSIONABLE. OVER-SENSITIVE TO EXTERNAL IMPRESSIONS. Started easily. SYMPATHETIC. Naive, easily trusting. ANXIETY, becomes “free-floating” with no identifiable cause, fear that something will happen. Anxiety others for. Strong…
PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ The characteristic of this remedy is the great weakness which begins on the emotional level and gradually progresses to the mental and physical levels. The most usual cause is grief which progresses to…
PETROLEUM (Petr.) پیٹرولیم پٹرولیم DRY SKIN, NAUSEA MENTAL THINKS HE IS DOUBLE OR SOMEBODY ELSE IS LYING NEXT TO HIM. Feels that death is near and has to settle his affairs (presentiment of death). Depression with dim vision.…
OPIUM (Op.) اوپیم The keyword for Opium is the sleepiness. The opiates in the brain of these patients are so much increased that promote sleep very easily leading even to narcolepsy. The opiates not only make the patient sleepy…
NUX VOMICA (Nux-v.) نکس وامیکا The central idea in this remedy is the irritation of the nervous system. The individual is excited, impatient, quick to act and very irritable. It is often used in states of exhaustion from over-working,…
For a very long time, the idea of the “memory of water” tantalized not only the homeopathic community, but also serious scientists and researchers like Luc Antoine Montagnier, a recipient of the Nobel Prize. This misconception originated from an…