AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM (Aur-m-n.) – آورم میوریٹیکم نیٹرونائٹم ACTS ON FEMALE HORMONAL SYSTEM, FIBROIDS & TUMORS MENTAL Ailments from disappointed love. Depression. Sensitive, refined people who are subject to many fears (Phos.). Fear that something bad will…
AURUM METALLICUM (Aur.) – آورم میٹیلیکم – آورم میٹ ۔ آرم میٹ ۔ آرم میٹیلیکم The patient is deeply depressed so much that he’s thinking of committing suicide. The thought of death is an outlet to his despair…
AURUM MURIATICUM (Aur-m.) – آرم میور – آرم میوریٹیکم – آورم میوریٹیکم HEART AFFECTIONS, SENTIMENTAL, SENSITIVE, DEPRESSION >WIND MENTAL Sentimental, passionate and romantic. Delicate constitution, sensitive people who are deeply affected by grief, by insults, by mortification.…
ASARUM EUROPÆUM (Asar.) – اصارم یوروپیم – اسارم – اثارم OVERSENSITIVITY OF NERVOUS SYSTEM MENTAL MENTAL OVEREXERTION. They cannot take the least pressure. Cannot tolerate any stress that excites them e.g. strong light, strong noises, strong wind,…
ARSENICUM ALBUM (Ars.) – آرسنیک ایلبم – آرسینک البم The Arsenicum patient feels insecure. He feels he doesn’t have support, he’s alone. This deep feeling of insecurity brings on many fears and anxieties such as the characteristic anxiety…
ARNICA MONTANA (Arn.) – آرنیکا مونٹانا Ailments after injuries is the central idea for Arnica esp. where we have haematomas. Arnica will absorb the haematoma even after many years. We must bear in mind that Arnica should not be…
ARGENTUM NITRICUM (Arg-n.) – ارجنٹم نائٹریکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ARGENTUM NITRICUM (Arg-n.) – ارجنٹم نائٹریکم – ارجنٹم نائیٹریکم Impulsive people, they speak out in an impulsive way, they have the impulse to do things that they shouldn’t, that are dangerous (what will happen if I put my finger…
ARGENTUM METALLICUM (Arg-met.) – ارجنٹم میٹ – ارجنٹم میٹلیکم AFFECTIONS OF JOINTS, BONES AND CARTILAGES MENTAL Nervous sensitive person. Prostration of mind from mental exhaustion, confused. Sudden loss of memory. Indisposed to talk, too tired to talk (Stann.,…
APIS MELLIFICA (Apis) – آیپس مالفیکا People suffering from heat and who have sharp, stinging pains. People with strong emotions, passionate, jealous, sexually active and easily excited but also very awkward. OEDEMATOUS SWELLING, STINGING PAIN, WORSE FROM…
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – اینٹی مونیم ٹارٹ CATARRH OF THE LUNGS MENTAL AVERSION TO BEING TOUCHED. Irritable and peevish, especially during acute phase of illness. Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, shrieking < being touched or looked…