Arnica Montana ARNICA MONTANA: Doronicum plantaginis folio alternum, Doronicum oppositifolium, Doronicum Austriacum quantum Ptarmica montana English: Mountain arnica, Leopard’s bane, German Leopard’s bane, Mountain tobacco. French: Arnique des montagnes, Arnique, Arnica, Tabac des Vosges, Betoine des Montagnes. German: Arnika, Wohl-verleih,…
Argentum Nitricum Nitras argenti English: Nitrate of silver French: Argent nitrate, Nitrate d’argent German: Salpetersaures Silber The essential features In my writings, I have repeatedly emphasized the hierarchical structure of human health. In the healthy individual the mental…
Apis Mellifica Apium virus. Honey-bee poison. N.O. Insecta Tinctures are made of the whole bee or of dilutions of the poison with alcohol. The essential features Apis is a large remedy that has been but partially understood and little…
Antimonium Crudum Native sulphide of Antimony SbS2 The essential features Antimonium crudum is a seldom-prescribed remedy which should be used more frequently in practice. The following is a description of the constitutional Antimonium crudum patient, the type of person…
Antimonium Tartaricum Tartar Emetic 2[ K(SbO)C4H4O6 ] H2O Trituration and solutions The essential features This remedy finds its primarily usefulness in severe cases and hospitalized cases; these cases may be classified according to the organ system principally affected: a.…
Anthracinum The essential features Anthracinum is indicated in patients who suffer chronically from carbuncles, boils, hydradenitis, and tumors which tend to have a malignant appearance, a reddish-black color, and cause a burning sensation and extreme pain. In Anthracinum, ulceration…
Anhalonium lewinii Anhalonium Lewinii Lophophora williamsii Mescaline; “Mescal buttons” Peyote; Peyotl; Pellote Natural order: Cactaceae The essential features This seldom-indicated remedy – at least in the past – will be much more frequently indicated in the future. Anhalonium activates…
Anacardium Orientale anacardium orientale Semecarpus anacardium English: Marking-nut tree, Malacca bean French: Anacarde, Anacardien, Anacarde a feuilles longues, Feve de Malac German: Elephantenlaus, Malakka-nuss, Elephantem Laeusebaum, Anakardiem baum Italian: Anacardos Dutch: Anacardienboom, Hartjes Spanish: Anacard Bengal: Belaluhi Natural order: Terebinthinaceae.…
Ammonium Carbonicum Carbonas [sub] ammonii Sal volatile anglicanum English: Sesqui carbonate of ammonia; Smelling salts French: Ammoniaque carbonate; Sous-carbonate d’ammoniaque; alkali volatil concret; Sel volatil d’ Angleterre German: Fluchtiges Lügensaltz The essential features This is a complex remedy, one…
Ambra grisea Ambra Grisea seu Ambrosiaca. Ambra vera seu maritima French: Ambre gris German: Graue ambra English: Ambergris; Gray amber Animal substance Ambra grisea or Ambergris is a grayish, waxy pathologic secretion from the intestine of the sperm whale and…