Allium cepa Common red onion N.O. Liliaceae Mode of preparation: For Homeopathic use we use the tincture of the onion or of the whole fresh plant. This is gathered from July to August. The essential features Allium cepa has…
Agnus Castus Vitex agnus castus English: Chaste tree French: Gattilier commun German: Keusch-lamm N.O. Gattiliers or Verbenaceae, Vitices Family: Jussieu [vegetable substance] – Didynamia angiospermia Mode of preparation: The juice of the ripe berries, leaves and flowers are mixed with…
Agaricus Muscarius Amanita muscaria. Agaricus imperialis. English: Bug agaric French: Agaric moucheté, Champignon rouge German: Fliegenschwamm, Fliegenpilz Italian: Amanita Russian: Moucho-more N.O. Fungi; Class I. Thallogens Vegetable family [Jussieu]: Cryptogamia Preparation: Agaricus is collected in the hottest months and hung…
Aethusa Cynapium Aethusa cynapium. Fool’s Parsley. N.O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of whole flowering plant. The essential features Unfortunately, nowhere in our homeopathic literature do we find a clear description of the chronic conditions of the remedy Aethusa. The remedy has…
Aesculus Hippocastanum Hippocastanum vulgaris. Horse chestnut Natural order: Sapindaceae. Homeopathic preparation: Tincture of the ripe, fresh nut. The essential features Aesculus has established a wonderful reputation, and rightly so, for painful and enormously protruding hemorrhoids, purple in colour, that…
Adrenalinum Adrenalin is also called Epinephrine. It is a sarcode and it is obtained as an extract from the adrenal or suprarenal glands. In Homeopathy we use the tincture or trituration. Practitioners should take special care when using this extract,…
Aconitum caule simplici; Aconitum vulgare English: Large blue wolfsbane, Monkshood, Aconite, Helmet flower, Friar’s cap. French: Aconit napel, Napel, Aconit. German: Napel Sturmhut, Eisenhut, Blauer Sturmhut Italian: Napello Spanish: Napelo. Dutch: Monnikskap Danish: Dreumunke Swedish: Stormbat Russian: Borets Natural…
ACETICUM ACIDUM English: Glacial acetic acid; ethanoic acid French: Acide acetique German: EssigsŠure Acetic acid [CH3 COOH] is an acid anhydride and the most important of all carboxylic acids. It is a product of the oxidation of ethanol and the…

یہ گذشتہ اگست کے پہلے ہفتہ کی بات ہے کہ جب مسز “ت” نے فون پر بتایا کہ وہ علاج کروانے کا حتمی فیصلہ کر چکی ہیں اور اپنا کیس ڈسکس کرنا چاہتی ہیں۔ اِس سے پہلے بھی دو تین…

السلامُ علیکم۔ صبح بخیر! بہت شکریہ آپ کا۔ آپ نے میرا ذہن کلیئر کرنے میں میری مدد کی، اب سمجھ میں آ گیا ہے کہ میرے ساتھ کیا ہوا تھا۔ ہفتہ پہلے میں اس بات پر پکی ہو رہی تھی…