CAMPHORA OFFICINARUM (Camph.) – کیمفر COLLAPSE – EXTREMELY COLD BUT WANTS TO BE UNCOVERED MENTAL Thinking of complaints ameliorates. Anxiety during chill, anxiety in bed. Fears to be alone at night, desires company. Shrieking, screaming, <before convulsions. Shrieking…
CALENDULA (Calen.) – کیلینڈولا INJURIES, LACERATED WOUNDS MENTAL Fear that something bad is going to happen and this fear makes him/her restless. Anxiety felt in abdomen before or during stool. Aggravation in general during chill becomes peevish,…
CALCAREA SULPHURICA (Calc-s.) – کلکیریا سلفیوریکا – کلکیریا سلف In Calc-s. we see suppuration in physical and psychological levels. We see abscesses and discharges of pus and blood on the physical level and jealousy, nastiness and maliciousness on…
CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA (Calc-p.) – کلکیریا فاسفوریکا – کلکیریا فاس The most prominent characteristic of Calc-p. is the discontent that is seen from children to adults. They don’t feel well but cannot define what is wrong. The children moan…
CALCAREA CARBONICA (Calc.) – کلکیریا کاربونیکا – کلکیریا کارب Calcarea Carbonica is such a huge remedy with vast symptomatology. The practitioner should not get lost in the vast array of symptoms but should look for these main keynotes…
CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم IMPOTENCY MENTAL Amorous, lascivious with impotency. Symptoms from sexual excesses (ex. memory weakness). DEPRESSION due to unsatisfied sexual desire. Sadness from masturbation. Lack of enthusiasm. Indifferent to everything. Eventually becomes indifferent…
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS (Cact.) – کیکٹس گرانڈی فلورس CONSTRICTION – CONGESTION – CONTRACTION MENTAL Shrieking from pain. Delusion that she is caught in wires, that the body is wrapped. Anxiety about health, reaches hypochondriasis. Despair of recovery. Desires…
BRYONIA ALBA (Bry.) – برائیونیا – برائی اونیا In Bryonia the characteristic is aggravation from motion. On the mental level, any ‘motion’ is intolerable too; they want to be by themselves. We see great irritability with the desire to be…
BROMIUM (Brom.) – برومیم SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES – RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS MENTAL Hard, not flexible individuals. The mind loses its flexibility and becomes as immovable as a stone and quite unable to function. Cannot eliminate, keeps emotions inside.…
BOVISTA (Bov.) – بووسٹا ENLARGED SENSATION – ANXIETY – AWKWARDNESS MENTAL ANXIETY and inner HURRIEDNESS. Chaotic. Everything is EXAGGERATED: awkward in speech and action- stammers, drops things, laughs and cries alternately. Alternating mood. Sub-manic states. ENLARGED SENSATION.…