AURUM MURIATICUM (Aur-m.) – آرم میور – آرم میوریٹیکم – آورم میوریٹیکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
AURUM MURIATICUM (Aur-m.) – آرم میور – آرم میوریٹیکم – آورم میوریٹیکم HEART AFFECTIONS, SENTIMENTAL, SENSITIVE, DEPRESSION >WIND MENTAL Sentimental, passionate and romantic. Delicate constitution, sensitive people who are deeply affected by grief, by insults, by mortification. Suicidal disposition from disappointed love. DEPRESSION IS BETTER IN THE OPEN AIR but what really makes them feel good is strong wind blowing in their face. Tormenting dreams of sadness. An extremely anxious person prone to palpitations. Anxiety about health. Feels really angry because he is sick. Angry when thinking of his complaints. Preoccupation with death, and fear of death. …
ASARUM EUROPÆUM (Asar.) – اصارم یوروپیم – اسارم – اثارم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ASARUM EUROPÆUM (Asar.) – اصارم یوروپیم – اسارم – اثارم OVERSENSITIVITY OF NERVOUS SYSTEM MENTAL MENTAL OVEREXERTION. They cannot take the least pressure. Cannot tolerate any stress that excites them e.g. strong light, strong noises, strong wind, any kind of violence. SENSITIVITY TO NOISE, esp. scratching on blackboard, silk, linen or paper. FEEL THAT THEIR MIND WILL DISINTEGRATE FROM NOISE. The sensitivity is such that they imagine they’re hearing noises. Nervous euphoria- nerves on edge. Hysterical laughing or crying. Nervous laughter. The idea of opposing states runs throughout Asarum. Absent-minded, confused, delusions that she’ll become insane. Child …
ARSENICUM ALBUM (Ars.) – آرسنیک ایلبم – آرسینک البم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ARSENICUM ALBUM (Ars.) – آرسنیک ایلبم – آرسینک البم The Arsenicum patient feels insecure. He feels he doesn’t have support, he’s alone. This deep feeling of insecurity brings on many fears and anxieties such as the characteristic anxiety about health, the fear of death, the fear of poverty and of being alone. He is very fastidious; order makes him feel in control whereas untidiness and disorder make him anxious. The anxiety and fears are accompanied by restlessness and are aggravated at night. WEAKNESS, RESTLESSNESS, ANXIETY, COLDNESS MENTAL ANXIETY about HEALTH with FEAR OF DEATH <after …
ARNICA MONTANA (Arn.) – آرنیکا مونٹانا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ARNICA MONTANA (Arn.) – آرنیکا مونٹانا Ailments after injuries is the central idea for Arnica esp. where we have haematomas. Arnica will absorb the haematoma even after many years. We must bear in mind that Arnica should not be given in open wounds which bleed. The patient does not want to be approached or touched because of the fear of being hurt. We meet this in women who cannot have sexual intercourse due to their fear of penetration. AILMENTS FROM INJURIES MENTAL FEAR OF OTHERS APPROACHING THEM, BEING TOUCHED. Fear of sudden death. Says he’s well when …
ARGENTUM NITRICUM (Arg-n.) – ارجنٹم نائٹریکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ARGENTUM NITRICUM (Arg-n.) – ارجنٹم نائٹریکم – ارجنٹم نائیٹریکم Impulsive people, they speak out in an impulsive way, they have the impulse to do things that they shouldn’t, that are dangerous (what will happen if I put my finger in the plug? how will it be falling from this bridge?). They have anxiety about their health, they have many fears, they are open and communicative. In that respect Arg-n. reminds the Phosphorus patient but the Arg-n. patient is more impulsive and warm blooded. OPEN, IMPULSIVE, ANXIOUS MENTAL Extrovert, superstitious, impulsive with extreme anxiety about health and fears …
APIS MELLIFICA (Apis) – آیپس مالفیکا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
APIS MELLIFICA (Apis) – آیپس مالفیکا People suffering from heat and who have sharp, stinging pains. People with strong emotions, passionate, jealous, sexually active and easily excited but also very awkward. OEDEMATOUS SWELLING, STINGING PAIN, WORSE FROM HEAT MENTAL Ailments from JEALOUSY, rage, vexation. Sharp, stinging tongue. Restlessness, busy insanity. Causeless weeping. Irritable, dissatisfied. Discouraged. Fear birds, pins, death. Presentiment of death. PHYSICAL OEDEMATOUS, DROPSICAL SWELLING OF THE EXTREMITIES due to dysfunction of kidney. Swelling, inflammation of joints, especially ankles. Puffy swelling of LIPS, hands and feet esp. around and under THE EYES. Pains are …
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – اینٹی مونیم ٹارٹیکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – اینٹی مونیم ٹارٹ CATARRH OF THE LUNGS MENTAL AVERSION TO BEING TOUCHED. Irritable and peevish, especially during acute phase of illness. Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, shrieking < being touched or looked at. Angry child that coughs when angry. Shrieking, shouting and screaming at night. Child clings to the mother (Bar-c). Looks anxious and desperate. Confusion of mind on waking. Mental restlessness. Apathetic-easily annoyed, aversion to company. Ailments after anger or vexation. PHYSICAL Affects mucous membranes especially: trachea, bronchi and lungs. Serious inflammations of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleura-pneumonia). …
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (Ant-c.) انٹی مونیم کروڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (Ant-c.) – اینٹی مونیم کروڈ EMOTIONAL, SENTIMENTAL, AFFECTIONS OF STOMACH MENTAL ROMANTIC & SENTIMENTAL, ESPECIALLY DURING MOONLIGHT. Emotionally immature. Aversion to be looked at and to be touched esp. children. Capricious. Children are irritable, moaning, dissatisfied. Cannot bear anyone coming near them. Ailments from grief, from disappointed love. Sulky, sadness, loathing of life. Introvert. Emotionally unbalanced, solar plexus, stomach or entire digestive tract is affected by every emotion. Emotions are felt esp. in the stomach. PHYSICAL Affections of stomach and digestion. EMOTIONS ARE FELT IN STOMACH. Nausea and vomiting <sour wine, bread, mother’s milk. Symptoms …
ANTHRACINUM (Anthraci.) – انتھراسینم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANTHRACINUM (Anthraci.) – انتھراسینم BLACKNESS ON EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL LEVEL MENTAL Silent suffering (grief), as if everything inside himself is kept in a “big black boil” (metaphorically speaking). Cannot express oneself. Unable to feel or express emotions. Confusion of mind. Weak memory for what has happened. Cannot remember incidences in spite of the emotional trauma caused in life and health. Face is old looking. Fear to go outdoors. Fear of death. PHYSICAL BOILS, ABSCESSES, PUSTULES, ULCERS which are purple, BLACK, BURNING with EXTREME PAIN. Black pustules on the lips. Carbuncles. Gangrenous ulcer on leg. Black blisters …