ALLIUM CEPA (All-c.) – ایلیم سیپا EXCORIATING DISCHARGE FROM NOSE, LETHARGY MENTAL SLEEPINESS & DULLNESS. Great dullness of mind < in afternoon. Indifference, absent-minded. No perception of the surroundings, does not recognize his relatives, can urinate in…
ALOE SOCOTRINA (Aloe) – ایلوز INVOLUNTARY STOOL, HAEMORRHOIDS, DIARRHOEA MENTAL Dissatisfied and angry with themselves esp. when the process of digestion begins. Discontent >evening. Imbecility. Aversion to mental work. Suited to indolent, weary people. Active memory alternating with…
AGNUS CASTUS (Agn.) – ایگنس کاسٹس IMPOTENCY WITH DEPRESSION MENTAL Premature old age from abuse of sexual power, after sexual excesses. DESPONDENT, GREAT ANXIETY AND DESPAIR ABOUT HEALTH. Sexual melancholy. Discouraged with himself. Apathetic. Presentiment of death,…
AGARICUS MUSCARIUS (Agar.) اگاریکوس The psychological pathology of Agaricus typically manifests in dependent, weak-willed individuals. These persons have from an early age established a pattern of seeking the guidance and domination of a stronger person. They have a…
AETHUSA CYNAPIUM (Aeth.) – ایتھوزا سیناپیوم LOVES ANIMALS, INTOLERANCE TO MILK MENTAL Reserved. Does not communicate his emotions and becomes a loner. LOVES ANIMALS esp. CATS. SYMPATHETIC TOWARDS ANIMALS. Extraordinary communication with animals. Becomes animal protector. Fear of…
AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM (Aesc.) VENOUS CONGESTION – STASIS – SLOWING DOWN OF FUNCTIONS MENTAL MENTAL / EMOTIONAL STAGNATION. DULLNESS, HEAVINESS, CONFUSION. Concentration difficult – unable to fix his attention. Wakes up in a dazed state, in total confusion,…
EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (Euphr.) – یوفریزیا AFFECTIONS OF EYES WITH ACRID LACHRYMATION MENTAL CONFUSION BETTER BY WASHING FACE. Inclination to sit. Sad, general depression, weeping when lying down at night. Buried and lost in thoughts. PHYSICAL Hay…
Homeopathy is widely used by adults, but homeopathy for infants and children is even more popular. One of the areas where homeopathy first aid is most often used is in the management of accidents and ailments suffered by children and…
محترم ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان نے دو کیس پیش کئے ہیں۔ ایسے کیس / بچے ہر دوسرے گھر میں موجود ہیں۔ والدین کو سمجھ نہیں آتی کہ ایک جیسی تربیت، ماحول اور خوراک کے باوجود اِن کے مزاجوں میں یہ…
I am a Pakistani and Canadian citizen. I can feel your pain as my 10 years old son was also diagnosed as having moderate Autism. He was diagnosed at age 2 in Canada (2004). At that time he was put…