CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم IMPOTENCY MENTAL Amorous, lascivious with impotency. Symptoms from sexual excesses (ex. memory weakness). DEPRESSION due to unsatisfied sexual desire. Sadness from masturbation. Lack of enthusiasm. Indifferent to everything. Eventually becomes indifferent to sex. Weakness of memory. Very forgetful, absent-minded. Mental confusion, inability to perform intellectual work. Anxiety about health, hypochondriacal anxiety. Very careful about health- refuses to take medicine, fear of infection, of catching contagious disease. Fear of cutting himself while shaving. Nervous excitement. PHYSICAL Special action on the genitalia of both sexes. IMPOTENCE WITH SEXUAL DESIRE. Increased sexual desire …
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS (Cact.) – کیکٹس گرانڈی فلورس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS (Cact.) – کیکٹس گرانڈی فلورس CONSTRICTION – CONGESTION – CONTRACTION MENTAL Shrieking from pain. Delusion that she is caught in wires, that the body is wrapped. Anxiety about health, reaches hypochondriasis. Despair of recovery. Desires to take large doses of medicine. Delusion he’s about to die with rheumatism or heart disease. Fear of death or that something will happen. Delirium during sleep. Mania during fever and heat. Suspicious, mistrustful. PHYSICAL HEART AND CIRCULATION PROBLEMS: infarct, angina, etc. WITH CONSTRICTIVE PAINS AND SWELLING OF LEFT HAND. Numbness or pains extend to the left arm, hand …