VERATRUM ALBUM (Verat.) – وراٹرم البم – وریٹرم البم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
VERATRUM ALBUM (Verat.) – وراٹرم البم – وریٹرم البم The prominent characteristic of this remedy is the overactivity, mental and physical. There’s an exaggeration in all levels. On the mental level we see a restless, overactive and overstimulated mind. The mental abilities are over developed. We see too clever children, with skills beyond their age. These people can impress you with their knowledge and acuteness of mind. On the physical level, there is restlessness in chronic as well as in acute states. RESTLESSNESS – MENTAL & PHYSICAL MENTAL MENTAL OVER-STIMULATION. Unhealthy acuteness of mind, precocity. CONFUSION AS TO …
VALERIANA (Valer.) – ویریلیانا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
VALERIANA (Valer.) – ویریلیانا HYSTERIA, ARTHRITIC PAINS, WANDERING SYMPTOMS MENTAL Animated, anxious, irritable, restless patients with changeable mood. ACTS HYSTERICALLY. Weeping alternating with laughter. Over sensitiveness of all senses. Mental symptoms alternating with physical. Cheerful in evening, mirth, hilarity. Various delusions she is someone other person, he’s poor, people are beside him, is away from home, floating in air. Fear on entering a room. Fear ameliorated in open air. Restlessness at night, open air amel. Mental symptoms are worse in darkness. PHYSICAL RHEUMATIC AND NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMS. Sensation as if a thread were hanging in the throat. …
TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM (Tub.) – ٹیوبرکولینم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM (Tub.) – ٹیوبرکولینم Romantic and unfulfilled. Enthusiastic but soon bored, they need change in their life. They cannot stick in one place, with one person, with one job, hence their love of travelling. Tuberculinum is a remedy that is very often indicated when there is a history of tuberculosis in the patient or his/her family. The grinding of teeth during sleep is a strong indication for this remedy. PASSIONATE, EXCITED, DESIRING CHANGE – GRINDING OF TEETH MENTAL PASSIONATE, ROMANTIC, UNFULFILLED “COSMOPOLITAN” PATIENTS. DISCONTENT, NEEDS CHANGE AND EXCITEMENT. DESIRES TRAVELLING. Moaning and groaning. CHILDREN: Hyperactivity. …
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS (Thuja) – تھوجا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS (Thuja) – تھوجا SECRETIVE – TENDENCY TO GROWTHS MENTAL RESERVED. Secretive. Manipulative. Delusions that the body is brittle, is delicate, that she’s made of glass, that animals are in abdomen, that soul and body were separated. Lack of self-confidence, delusions he’s worthless. Dullness <morning. PHYSICAL OVERGROWTHS: WARTS, CONDYLOMATA, tumors, fibroids, cysts. Used for treating bad effects of vaccination esp. smallpox. Ailments from suppressed gonorrhea (rheumatic pains of joints, prostatitis, eye inflammation etc.). Urethritis. Forked stream of urine. Sensation that something is alive in the abdomen. Coryza during stool. Strong tendency to catarrhs. Leucorrhœa, nasal, …
NUX MOSCHATA (Nux-m.) – نکس موشکاٹا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NUX MOSCHATA (Nux-m.) – نکس موشکاٹا DRYNESS & SLEEPINESS MENTAL DULLNESS, CONFUSION AND SLEEPINESS. STATE AS IF IN A DREAM. Clairvoyance. Weakness or loss of memory, lack of concentration, abstraction of mind. Confusion when walking in the open air. Does not recognize, forgets well known streets. Makes mistakes in localities, uses the wrong words. Vanishing thoughts while reading, speaking or writing. Periodical attacks of short lasting absent-mindedness. Delusions he’s three persons, of being double, of floating in the air, that everything is strange. Hysteria. Changeable mood esp. during heat. Weeping alternating with laughter. Stupefaction < menses, pregnancy. …
NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.) – نیٹرم سلفیوریکم – نیٹرم سلف Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.) – نیٹرم سلفیوریکم – نیٹرم سلف WORSE IN WARM WET WEATHER – CHEERFUL AFTER STOOL MENTAL Loathing life, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS by shooting but restrains himself because of grief given to relatives. CHEERFUL AFTER STOOL. Mental symptoms AFTER INJURIES TO HEAD OR SPINE (confusion, dullness, sadness, insanity). Fastidious, too much sense of duty. PHYSICAL <WET WEATHER. Feels every change in weather from dry to wet. Difficult, asthmatic respiration, < 04:00 to 05:00, <wet, damp weather. Diarrhoea with loud flatus, on rising and moving about. Diarrhoea from sudden joy, after rich food, during jaundice. HIP JOINT …
NATRUM CARBONICUM (Nat-c.) نیٹرم کارب – نیٹرم کاربونیکم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NATRUM CARBONICUM (Nat-c.) نیٹرم کارب – نیٹرم کاربونیکم In this remedy the sensitivity is prominent in all levels. They are sensitive like all Natrums but they have a characteristic sensitivity to the presence of other people. They can perceive the ‘aura’ of people and sometimes they find it intolerable to stay around certain persons. They cannot explain it logically, it’s rather an intuitive reaction. They are very refined people who are moved by music, they are very giving people who like to take care of others, putting themselves second. Physically we see strong sensitivity to certain foods (milk) …
MURIATICUM ACIDUM (Mur-ac.) – میوریٹیکم ایسڈ – ایسڈ میور Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
MURIATICUM ACIDUM (Mur-ac.) – میوریٹیکم ایسڈ – ایسڈ میور This remedy is exhausted on the physical level. The exhaustion is such that they cannot support the body. They slide down in bed, the lower jaw is hanging down. The organs are collapsing, the rectum is prolapsed with haemorrhoids. The mind is also so tired and weak, that they are sad and indifferent to everything. WEAKNESS MENTAL WEAKNESS, WEARINESS- feels too weak to live on his own. Indifference and sadness due to exhaustion. Taciturn. Introvert. Persistent loud moaning. Muttering. Restlessness. PHYSICAL Affinity to blood and …
MEZEREUM (Mez.) – میزیریم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
MEZEREUM (Mez.) – میزیریم THICK, CRUSTY, DISCHARGING ERUPTIONS MENTAL ANXIETY, FEAR FELT AND ARISING IN STOMACH (Calc., Kali-c.). Empty feeling, as if something was going to happen. Anxiety when alone. Confusion of mind from interruption, knows not where he is, cannot distinguish objects around him. Vanishing thoughts while speaking. Causeless anger. Apathy, indifference, everything seems dead to him. PHYSICAL ERUPTIONS: THICK, CRUSTY, discharging WHITE PUS BENEATH (esp. scalp). Ailments from suppressed eruptions (Graph., Sulph., Zinc.) Eczema on back of hand with itchy vesicles. Chilly, aggravated by cold – ‘cold to the bone’. Affected parts become cold. …