ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – اینٹی مونیم ٹارٹیکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – اینٹی مونیم ٹارٹ CATARRH OF THE LUNGS MENTAL AVERSION TO BEING TOUCHED. Irritable and peevish, especially during acute phase of illness. Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, shrieking < being touched or looked at. Angry child that coughs when angry. Shrieking, shouting and screaming at night. Child clings to the mother (Bar-c). Looks anxious and desperate. Confusion of mind on waking. Mental restlessness. Apathetic-easily annoyed, aversion to company. Ailments after anger or vexation. PHYSICAL Affects mucous membranes especially: trachea, bronchi and lungs. Serious inflammations of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleura-pneumonia). …
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (Ant-c.) انٹی مونیم کروڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (Ant-c.) – اینٹی مونیم کروڈ EMOTIONAL, SENTIMENTAL, AFFECTIONS OF STOMACH MENTAL ROMANTIC & SENTIMENTAL, ESPECIALLY DURING MOONLIGHT. Emotionally immature. Aversion to be looked at and to be touched esp. children. Capricious. Children are irritable, moaning, dissatisfied. Cannot bear anyone coming near them. Ailments from grief, from disappointed love. Sulky, sadness, loathing of life. Introvert. Emotionally unbalanced, solar plexus, stomach or entire digestive tract is affected by every emotion. Emotions are felt esp. in the stomach. PHYSICAL Affections of stomach and digestion. EMOTIONS ARE FELT IN STOMACH. Nausea and vomiting <sour wine, bread, mother’s milk. Symptoms …
ANTHRACINUM (Anthraci.) – انتھراسینم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANTHRACINUM (Anthraci.) – انتھراسینم BLACKNESS ON EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL LEVEL MENTAL Silent suffering (grief), as if everything inside himself is kept in a “big black boil” (metaphorically speaking). Cannot express oneself. Unable to feel or express emotions. Confusion of mind. Weak memory for what has happened. Cannot remember incidences in spite of the emotional trauma caused in life and health. Face is old looking. Fear to go outdoors. Fear of death. PHYSICAL BOILS, ABSCESSES, PUSTULES, ULCERS which are purple, BLACK, BURNING with EXTREME PAIN. Black pustules on the lips. Carbuncles. Gangrenous ulcer on leg. Black blisters …
ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE (Anac.) – اناکارڈیم اورینٹل – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE (Anac.) – اناکارڈیم اوریئٹل Heartless individuals with characteristic cruelty towards people and animals. The patient experiences great conflict by having two opposing wills or dilemmas and not being able to take a decision. Severe feeling of inferiority and low self-esteem usually seen on the other type of Anacardium which is nice and sweet. DUALITY-TWO OPPOSING WILLS, LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE, CRUELTY MENTAL Two types: cruel/unfeeling/malicious/sadistic and helpless, hopeless, pleading, needy and insecure. Contradiction of will, sense of DUALITY. Thinks as if he had TWO WILLS, opposing each other. GREAT LACK OF SELF – CONFIDENCE …
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM (Am-c.) – امونیم کاربونیکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM (Am-c.) – امونیم کاربونیکم CIRCULATORY AND RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS MENTAL Obstinate. Irritable, unfriendly, malicious and abusive. TIMID PEOPLE who remain in the background. Reserved people, SULKY. Sad, morose and dissatisfied especially in cloudy and wet weather. Difficult retaining thoughts, concentration difficult. Absent minded. Makes mistakes in calculating, speaking, writing, uses wrong words. Wakes up startled or in a fright. Talk in their sleep, revealing their thoughts, secrets they would not express while awake. PHYSICAL ASTHMATIC RESPIRATION FROM HEART COMPLAINTS. Sensation of weakness in heart. Tumultuous, audible PALPITATIONS < motion. Patient feels prostrated; every movement produces …
AMBRA GRISEA (Ambr.) – امبرا گریسیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
AMBRA GRISEA (Ambr.) – امبرا گریسیا TIMIDITY, CONSTIPATION MENTAL TIMIDITY, BASHFULNESS. Low self-confidence. Fears the opinion of others. Tries to please everyone, cannot say ‘no’. AVERSION TO PRESENCE OF STRANGERS DURING STOOL, unable to pass the stool in presence of others. Difficult to follow a conversation. Having a conversation aggravates, causes irritability, anxiety, restlessness, trembling. Ailments after embarrassment. Confusion, difficult concentration. Asks questions without waiting for an answer. Jumping from one subject to another. Difficult to be in touch with others. State as if in a dream. That is why there’s anxiety in company or crowd, aversion to …
ALUMINA (Alum.) – ایلومینا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ALUMINA (Alum.) – ایلومینا The patient cannot express his/her feelings. The mind is slow, dry, paralyzed. They have to make an effort to answer. There is also dryness and paralysis on the physical level manifesting in severe constipation, dry skin, paralytic states of muscles. DRYNESS, SLOWNESS OF ALL LEVELS PROGRESSING TO A STATE OF PARALYSIS MENTAL SLOWNESS, CONFUSION, DULLNESS OF MIND. Cannot express oneself, vague state of mind. Lack of discrimination. Answers slowly. Confusion of identity, ‘who am I?’ Everything seems unreal. Time passes very slowly for them. Fear of knives, pins, injections. Cannot look at …
ALLIUM CEPA (All-c.) – ایلیم سیپا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ALLIUM CEPA (All-c.) – ایلیم سیپا EXCORIATING DISCHARGE FROM NOSE, LETHARGY MENTAL SLEEPINESS & DULLNESS. Great dullness of mind < in afternoon. Indifference, absent-minded. No perception of the surroundings, does not recognize his relatives, can urinate in front of everybody. PHYSICAL Acts on the upper respiratory system. The coryza can go fast downwards developing pharyngitis, violent laryngitis. Hay fever with copious, watery, excoriating discharge from nose causing redness around nose, in wings. EXCORIATING DISCHARGE FROM NOSE WITH BLAND DISCHARGE FROM EYES. Burning pain in eye, must rub. Coryza from north east wind, from the odor of …
ALOE SOCOTRINA (Aloe) – ایلوز – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
ALOE SOCOTRINA (Aloe) – ایلوز INVOLUNTARY STOOL, HAEMORRHOIDS, DIARRHOEA MENTAL Dissatisfied and angry with themselves esp. when the process of digestion begins. Discontent >evening. Imbecility. Aversion to mental work. Suited to indolent, weary people. Active memory alternating with lassitude. Cannot look at blood or a knife. HYPOCHONDRIACAL PATIENTS. Consider life a burden in the morning and in the evening they are cheerful. Cheerful, happy, mirth in the evening. Changeable mood. PHYSICAL INVOLUNTARY STOOL ON PASSING FLATUS, resulting in shame and irritability. DIARRHOEA: 5 or 6 a.m. driving them out of bed. Jelly-like mucus in stool. Gurgling before …
AGNUS CASTUS (Agn.) – ایگنس کاسٹس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
AGNUS CASTUS (Agn.) – ایگنس کاسٹس IMPOTENCY WITH DEPRESSION MENTAL Premature old age from abuse of sexual power, after sexual excesses. DESPONDENT, GREAT ANXIETY AND DESPAIR ABOUT HEALTH. Sexual melancholy. Discouraged with himself. Apathetic. Presentiment of death, fears she will die soon. PREDICTS THE TIME of death. Sensation of death. Weak memory. Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (especially after sexual excesses). Difficult concentration. Absent-minded, forgetful, goes off and leaves purchases. PHYSICAL Low sexual vitality with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. IMPOTENCY. SEXUAL ORGANS COLD, FLACCID AND RELAXED (even when excited). …