ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (Ant-t.) – اینٹی مونیم ٹارٹ CATARRH OF THE LUNGS MENTAL AVERSION TO BEING TOUCHED. Irritable and peevish, especially during acute phase of illness. Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, shrieking < being touched or looked…
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (Ant-c.) – اینٹی مونیم کروڈ EMOTIONAL, SENTIMENTAL, AFFECTIONS OF STOMACH MENTAL ROMANTIC & SENTIMENTAL, ESPECIALLY DURING MOONLIGHT. Emotionally immature. Aversion to be looked at and to be touched esp. children. Capricious. Children are irritable, moaning, dissatisfied.…
ANTHRACINUM (Anthraci.) – انتھراسینم BLACKNESS ON EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL LEVEL MENTAL Silent suffering (grief), as if everything inside himself is kept in a “big black boil” (metaphorically speaking). Cannot express oneself. Unable to feel or express emotions.…
ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE (Anac.) – اناکارڈیم اوریئٹل Heartless individuals with characteristic cruelty towards people and animals. The patient experiences great conflict by having two opposing wills or dilemmas and not being able to take a decision. Severe feeling of…
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM (Am-c.) – امونیم کاربونیکم CIRCULATORY AND RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS MENTAL Obstinate. Irritable, unfriendly, malicious and abusive. TIMID PEOPLE who remain in the background. Reserved people, SULKY. Sad, morose and dissatisfied especially in cloudy and wet weather.…
AMBRA GRISEA (Ambr.) – امبرا گریسیا TIMIDITY, CONSTIPATION MENTAL TIMIDITY, BASHFULNESS. Low self-confidence. Fears the opinion of others. Tries to please everyone, cannot say ‘no’. AVERSION TO PRESENCE OF STRANGERS DURING STOOL, unable to pass the stool in…
ALUMINA (Alum.) – ایلومینا The patient cannot express his/her feelings. The mind is slow, dry, paralyzed. They have to make an effort to answer. There is also dryness and paralysis on the physical level manifesting in severe constipation,…
ALLIUM CEPA (All-c.) – ایلیم سیپا EXCORIATING DISCHARGE FROM NOSE, LETHARGY MENTAL SLEEPINESS & DULLNESS. Great dullness of mind < in afternoon. Indifference, absent-minded. No perception of the surroundings, does not recognize his relatives, can urinate in…
ALOE SOCOTRINA (Aloe) – ایلوز INVOLUNTARY STOOL, HAEMORRHOIDS, DIARRHOEA MENTAL Dissatisfied and angry with themselves esp. when the process of digestion begins. Discontent >evening. Imbecility. Aversion to mental work. Suited to indolent, weary people. Active memory alternating with…
AGNUS CASTUS (Agn.) – ایگنس کاسٹس IMPOTENCY WITH DEPRESSION MENTAL Premature old age from abuse of sexual power, after sexual excesses. DESPONDENT, GREAT ANXIETY AND DESPAIR ABOUT HEALTH. Sexual melancholy. Discouraged with himself. Apathetic. Presentiment of death,…