HYPERICUM PERFORATUM (Hyper.) – ہائیپریکم – ہائیپریکم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM (Hyper.) – ہائیپریکم ہائیپریکم INJURIES TO PERIPHERAL NERVES MENTAL MENTAL SYMPTOMS FROM HEAD INJURIES: depression, prostration, dullness. Oversensitive to pain. Delusions that hears the voice of dead people. Mistakes in writing, omits letters. PHYSICAL INJURIES OF NERVES WITH GREAT PAIN. Constitutional effects from wounds. Injuries of parts rich in nerves, esp. fingertips, toes and coccyx, spine, nails, eye, head. Concussion of the spine, brain. Injuries to dental nerves. Lacerated, crushed finger tips. Lacerated tongue. Laceration of hands. Bad effects from falls or blows upon head or coccyx. Bruised coccyx after labor, after a fall or …
HYOSCYAMUS NIGER (Hyos.) – ہائیوسیاموس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HYOSCYAMUS NIGER (Hyos.) – ہائیوسیاموس Hyoscyamus has jealousy, envy. This jealousy is not simple. The patient has a desire to attack and kill in a cold and calculating way. They can become paranoid that other people are plotting to harm them. The sexuality is perverted, they touch their genitals all the time (esp. children) and they masturbate quite a lot. Another perversion is that they like to talk about feces or even play with them. The shameless is characteristic. We see a tendency to expose their nudity. They are going around the house naked, they leave the toilet …
HYDROPHOBINUM / LYSSIN (Lyss.) – ہائڈروفوبینم لائیسن ہائیڈروفوبینم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HYDROPHOBINUM / LYSSIN (Lyss.) – ہائڈروفوبینم لائیسن ہائیڈروفوبینم VIOLENT TEMPER & FEAR OF WATER MENTAL VIOLENT, IMPATIENT TEMPER, impelled to do reckless things, desire to throw child out of the window. RUDE, ABUSIVE, BITES AND STRIKES. (Reminds Stram. but Lyss. has more verbal violence). Rapid, hasty speech. Spitting. FEARS: water, narrow places, crowd, bright objects, mirrors, animals, being alone, something bad will happen Anticipatory anxiety. Feelings of being tormented, esp. by someone on whom he depends. Sympathetic. They can paralyze when they see suffering. PHYSICAL Affects the nervous system, throat, and sexual organs. Acute senses– noise, …
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS (Hydr.) – ہائیڈراسٹس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS (Hydr.) – ہائیڈراسٹس VISCID, ROPY DISCHARGES MENTAL Suited to people that are old, weak, easily tired persons with emaciation, depressed, sure of death and desires it. Irritability. Curses his mother, throws food or medicine across room. Weakness of memory for what is about to do, say, what has happened. Sadness, loathing of life, aversion going out, desires death. PHYSICAL Acts on the mucus membranes producing increased VISCID, THICK YELLOW, ROPY SECRETIONS/ DISCHARGES (Kali-bi). Discharges, catarrh from ear, larynx, throat, eye, nose, bladder, chest, urethra. Catarrhal conditions esp. of the upper respiratory tract. SINUSITIS. Post-nasal …
HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM (Hep.) – ہیپر سلف Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM (Hep.) – ہیپر سلف OVERSENSITIVE AND ABUSIVE MENTAL OVERSENSITIVITY TO PAIN. Fears bees, wasps that sting. They panic and flee. Fears suffering. Irritable. The slightest cause irritates him. Impulses to kill for slight offenses, or wants to set things on fire. Very abusive, angry, impolite. Violent from pain. PHYSICAL Extremely SENSITIVE TO COLD AIR OR THE SLIGHTEST DRAFT. Must be wrapped up even to the face. Uncovering, exposure to cold, becoming cold or even touching cold things aggravates all complaints. Croupy, choking cough when any part of the body is uncovered. Warmth, …
HELLEBORUS NIGER (Hell.) – ہیلوبورس ۔ ہیلی بورس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HELLEBORUS NIGER (Hell.) – ہیلوبورس ۔ ہیلی بورس DESPAIR, AGONY, TREMENDOUS ANXIETY with ROLLING OF THE HEAD MENTAL DULLNESS, STUPEFACTION (SENSORIAL DEPRESSION) nothing is seen or heard distinctly. ABSORBED IN THOUGHTS. Answers slowly, reflects long before answering. Weakness of memory. Forgets what he has just read, said, heard or done. Irresolution. He is in DESPAIR and EXTREME ANXIETY and seeks help. Breathing ameliorates the anxiety. PHYSICAL Ailments after meningitis, encephalitis, concussion, apoplexy, fright, grief, suppressed eruptions. Meningitis, encephalitis with stupefaction. ROLLING OF HEAD FROM SIDE TO SIDE, chewing motion of jaw, constant motion of lips without …
HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA (Ham.) – ہیمامیلس ہمامیلس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA (Ham.) – ہیمامیلس ہمامیلس AFFECTIONS OF CIRCULATION, VARICOSE VEINS MENTAL ANGER, IRRITABILITY. Aversion to company, to being spoken to. Gloomy, depressed. Aversion to work. Absorbed, buried in thoughts. Thinking constantly of his ailments. Abundant of ideas in the morning after a night of restless sleep. Forgetful esp. of words while speaking. PHYSICAL The main pathology of this remedy centers on the circulation with extraordinary weakness of the veins. Venous congestion and hæmorrhages. VARICOSE VEINS in any part of the body. Painful, sore, bleeding, stinging, inflamed. Passive hæmmorrhages from any part. Hæmmorrhage from suppressed menses. …
GRAPHITES (Graph.) – گریفائٹس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
GRAPHITES (Graph.) – گریفائٹس SKIN ERUPTIONS, GLUEY DISCHARGES, OBESITY, THICK NAILS MENTAL Simple, practical, down to earth people. Dullness, SLOWNESS, irresolution. SENSITIVE TO MUSIC, WEEPING FROM MUSIC. Restless while sitting, or working. Fear ameliorated by weeping. Anxiety about trifles, trifles seem important. PHYSICAL Obese, sensitive individual with a lot of eruptions. AILMENTS FROM SUPPRESSED ERUPTIONS esp. stomach problems. DISCHARGES yellow, sticky, thick, honey-like, offensive (eruptions, ear, nose, urethra). Crusty, scabby eruptions, cracks of skin, fissures. Fissures in anus, corners of mouth etc. Moist, offensive, excoriating, painful eruptions. Eczema esp. behind ears, around mouth. NAILS DESTORTED, BRITTLE, …
GLONOIN (Glon.) – گلونائن Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
GLONOIN (Glon.) – گلونائن AGGRAVATION FROM SUN AND HEAT, SUNSTROKE. MENTAL Confusion as if being intoxicated, forgets or does not recognize well-known streets, which side is his house. Makes mistakes in localities, does not recognize his relatives. Mental symptoms from injuries to head. Concentration difficult. Memory weakness. Time passes too slowly. Depression. Desires death. Aversion to answering, desire to be silent. Aversion to husband, dislikes her children. Delusions chin is too long, enlarged. Fear of being poisoned. Attempts to escape, springs suddenly from bed. Shrieking screaming, shouting in children. Striking after convulsions. PHYSICAL <SUN, HEAT. CONGESTION …
FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
FLUORICUM ACIDUM (Fl-ac.) – فلورک ایسڈ – ایسڈ فلور MENTAL DOMINEERING, MATERIALISTIC WITH STRONG SEXUAL DESIRE. LASCIVIOUS THOUGHTS. Egotism, focus on their pleasure, isolated from others, indifferent to loved ones. Inability to realize responsibility. Hurriedness, rapid speech, rapid eating. Mistakes in spelling, putting right for left and vice versa. Anxiety. Strong anxiety about health. Fear of cancer, of apoplexy. Fear of suffering, but endures it well. PHYSICAL VARICOSE VEINS, ulcers, ulcerations (of uterus) etc. Indicated in deep, destructive processes such as bedsores. EXCESS SEXUAL DESIRE, PROMISCUITY. Increased desire with violent erections at night, during sleep. Swollen scrotum. Gangrene …