CALENDULA (Calen.) – کیلینڈولا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CALENDULA (Calen.) – کیلینڈولا INJURIES, LACERATED WOUNDS MENTAL Fear that something bad is going to happen and this fear makes him/her restless. Anxiety felt in abdomen before or during stool. Aggravation in general during chill becomes peevish, complaining a lot, becomes sleepy. Bulimia. Great irritability during a chill. PHYSICAL Open, cut, LACERATED wounds, RAGGED, SUPPURATED where the pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury. OPEN WOUNDS that will not heal, ulcers etc. Suppurations, abscesses, sepsis and gangrene. Lacerations in hand, nose. After injuries to genitalia, head, eye. Injuries of muscles, tendons < moving …
CALCAREA SULPHURICA (Calc-s.) – کلکیریا سلفیوریکا – کلکیریا سلف – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CALCAREA SULPHURICA (Calc-s.) – کلکیریا سلفیوریکا – کلکیریا سلف In Calc-s. we see suppuration in physical and psychological levels. We see abscesses and discharges of pus and blood on the physical level and jealousy, nastiness and maliciousness on the mental/emotional levels. PUS IN PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL LEVELS – ABSCESSES, DISCHARGING SUPPURATION MENTAL Great jealousy. Nasty and malicious. Irritable, quarrelsome from jealousy. Fear of birds. PHYSICAL TENDENCY TO SUPPURATION THAT DOES NOT HEAL. Pus continues for months or years. CHRONIC ABSCESSES. Purulent discharges. Discharge or pus is yellow and bloody. (nose, eye, ear, urethra, skin). Crusty …