MAGNESIA CARBONICA (Mag-c.) – میگنیشیا کارب – میگنیشیا کاربونیکا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
MAGNESIA CARBONICA (Mag-c.) – میگنیشیا کارب – میگنیشیا کاربونیکا GASTROINTESTINAL COMPLAINTS WITH ACIDITY MENTAL FORSAKEN FEELING, feels he’s not loved by parents or friends. Irritability in children. PHYSICAL GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS WITH MARKED ACIDITY. SOURNESS: perspiration, taste, eructation, stool, menses, expectoration, vomiting. Menses are more copious at night or when lying or only during sleep and cease while walking. Flow comes only after the pain. Coryza before and during menses. < MILK (indigestion, eructations, stomach pain, diarrhoea, abdomen pain). Unrefreshing sleep. Neuralgic pains. Trigeminal neuralgia <left side, lying, night, rest, sitting >walking, motion, pressure, jar, open air. Abdomen distention …
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM (Lyc.) – لائیکوپوڈیم لائکوپوڈیم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM (Lyc.) – لائیکوپوڈیم لائکوپوڈیم The central idea of Lycopodium is inflation, bloating in all levels. The patient is timid, with low self-confidence, showing cowardice when confronted with someone superior but at the same time, they are hard and dictatorial with the ones they consider inferior to them. On the physical level they often suffer from gastrointestinal complaints which are accompanied by distention of the abdomen. BLOATING IN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL LEVEL MENTAL DICTATORIAL BUT AT THE SAME TIME COWARD AND TIMID. Ailments from egotism. Intolerant to contradiction, gets angry. BOASTER, haughty. LIKES TO SHOW OFF, …
LILIUM TIGRINUM (Lil-t.) – لیلیم ٹیگرینم – لیلیم ٹگ Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
LILIUM TIGRINUM (Lil-t.) – لیلیم ٹیگرینم – لیلیم ٹگ CONFLICT BETWEEN MORALITY AND SEXUALITY MENTAL STRONG RELIGIOUS AND SEXUAL FEELINGS leading to INNER CONFLICT. Religious despair alternating with sexual excitement. SUPPRESSION OF SEXUAL DESIRE (e.g. by keeping busy). Irritable, nasty, snappish. Depression of spirits. Hurried. Nervous. Conscientious, duty-bound, domineering people. Anxious about disease. Anxiety about salvation. Fear of evil. Constant inclination to weep. PHYSICAL Main action upon the venous circulation of the heart and female organs. Increased sexual desire. Nymphomania. Prolapsus of uterus. BEARING DOWN AS IF EVERYTHING WOULD COME OUT < standing, >crossing limbs, pressing …
LEDUM PALUSTRE (Led.) -لیڈم پال – لیڈم پالسٹر Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
LEDUM PALUSTRE (Led.) – لیڈم پال – لیڈم پالسٹڑ PAINFUL ARTHRITIC NODOSITIES, GOUT >COLD APPLICATIONS MENTAL Restless, must move constantly. Aversion to company. Dread of men. Misanthropy, hatred. Morose, malicious. PHYSICAL RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS. Painful ARTHRITIC NODOSITIES. GOUT. The toe is red, swollen, painful. Rheumatic pain in extremities ascending upward. Rheumatic pain in right hip and left shoulder. Inflammation of periosteum. PAINS > COLD APPLICATIONS although there is coldness of affected part. < warm, warmth of bed, night. For penetrating wounds, stings and bites with swelling. Tetanus where the injured parts become cold and spasms begin in the …
KREOSOTUM (Kreos.) – کریازوٹ – کریازوٹم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
KREOSOTUM (Kreos.) – کریازوٹ – کریازوٹم EXCORIATION OF MUCUS MEMBRANES WITH ACRID DISCHARGES. MENTAL Irritable and peevish. Irritable infants and children. Capriciousness in children. Irritability during headache. Restless at evening and night, from 18:00 till 06:00. Must move constantly <before menses. Anxiety and fear at thought of coition in women. Aversion to coition. Oversensitive to music. Music causes excitement, weeping, sadness. Absent-minded. Confusion of mind. Anxiety with fear. PHYSICAL EXCORIATION AND INFLAMMATION OF THE MUCUS / SEROUS MEMBRANES. LEUCORRHEA yellow, putrid, burning, and acrid. Stains linen, causes itching. < pregnancy, between menses, before menses. Headache extending …
KALMIA LATIFOLIA (Kalm.) – کالمیا لیٹی فولیا Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
KALMIA LATIFOLIA (Kalm.) – کالمیا RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS ESPECIALLY OF HEART MENTAL Excitement in the morning. Thoughts rapid and quick. Anxiety about future. Fear of evil. Memory weakness. Averse to being spoken to. PHYSICAL Rheumatic remedy. PROMINENT ACTION ON THE HEART. Gouty heart. Fatty degeneration of heart. Rheumatic endocarditis. Affection of the heart after rheumatism. Pain in heart alternating with rheumatism. Stitching pain in heart extending to left hand, to left scapula. Paroxysmal anxiety in heart region. Hypertrophy of heart. Palpitation < bending forward. Arrested respiration during pains. Rheumatic inflammation of iris, inflammation of retina, of cornea, …
KALI SULPHURICUM (Kali-s.) – کالی سلفیوریکم – کالی سلف Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
KALI SULPHURICUM (Kali-s.) – کالی سلفیوریکم – کالی سلف COUGH WITH RATTLING MENTAL Timid, lack of self confidence. Irritable. PHYSICAL Warm blooded, worse from heat. Better from cold and cold air (Puls). RATTLING in chest, esp. in children. Asthma worse evening, night, < warm room, > open air. Bronchitis with loose rattling cough, with thick yellow expectoration. Snoring. Otitis with yellowish discharge. Epithilioma, esp of the NOSE. MODALITIES DES.: sweets, cold food. AVERS.: EGGS. …
KALI CARBONICUM (Kali-c.) – کالی کاربونیکم – کالی کارب Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
KALI CARBONICUM (Kali-c.) – کالی کاربونیکم – کالی کارب SERIOUS, RIGID, DUTY-BOUND, COMPLAINTS <02:00-04:00 MENTAL RIGID, INFLEXIBLE, DUTY BOUND. Aversion to being touched. Startled, frightened easily <when touched. Fear of impending disease. Of being alone. Irritable, shrieking at trifles. PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS <02:00-04:00 a.m. RESPIRATION ASTHMATIC / DIFFICULT, COUGH. < 2 – 4 a.m., LYING, lying with the head low. > LEANING FORWARD, sitting with head bent forward on knees. BAG-LIKE SWELLING AROUND, UNDER and esp. ABOVE THE EYES. SLEEPLESSNESS after midnight. Wakes up 2 or 3 a.m. and remains awake. Sleep is light and unrefreshing, thinks he …
KALI BROMATUM (Kali-br.) – کالی برومیٹم – کالی بروم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
KALI BROMATUM (Kali-br.) – کالی برومیٹم – کالی بروم MENTAL Profound melancholic delusions. Paranoia. Fear to walk past certain corners. Fear of being poisoned, spoken to. Terror at night. Tremendous anxiety states. Restlessness. Frightful dreams (Stram.). Shrieking in sleep. Religious affections. Despair of salvation. Religious depression. DELUSIONS he’s the object of God’s vengeance, that he is singled out for divine vengeance, that he’s persecuted, that he’s pursued by the police or by enemies. Sees phantoms at night, sees dead persons, hears voices. Loss of memory together with loss of sexual power. Amnesic aphasia. Answers slowly, also in monosyllables. …
KALI BICHROMICUM (Kali-bi.) – کالی بائیکرومیکم – کالی بائکروم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
KALI BICHROMICUM (Kali-bi.) – کالی بائیکرومیکم – کالی بائکروم In this remedy stickiness is the main idea. The mind, the emotions and the discharges are stuck. Sticky thoughts, sticky pus, sticky discharges, sticky vomiting. The pains do not move, they are stuck in a spot. SINUSITIS- STRINGY, THICK DISCHARGES MENTAL STICKY THOUGHTS. Fixed ideas. NARROW-MINDED. Emotionally closed and anti-social. Misanthropy, avoids human society. General loathing, loathing life. Aversion to mental work. PHYSICAL Affects mucous membranes of air passages. Sluggish reaction in many conditions, ulcers and inflammations. MUCUS AND DISCHARGES ARE YELLOW, VISCID, STICKY, STRINGY, can be …