STAPHISAGRIA (Staph.) – سٹیفی سیگیریا The idea of this remedy is the suppression. The patients suppress their feelings, esp. anger. They are yielding, soft, very sensitive and lack self-confidence. They don’t stand up for themselves. The aggravation from siesta…
STANNUM METALLICUM (Stann.) – سٹینم میٹالیکم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
STANNUM METALLICUM (Stann.) – سٹینم میٹالیکم The essence of this remedy is the weakness. The patient feels weak, exhausted esp. in chest. The dyspnoea from slight motion is characteristic. The physical weakness makes him hopeless and despondent. There’s…
SPONGIA TOSTA (Spong.) – سپونجیا ٹوسٹا RESPIRATORY AND HEART PROBLEMS MENTAL Weeping during heat. Frightened easily at night, startled from sleep. Fear on waking. Weeping, suicidal disposition during perspiration. Terrified anxious expression of face. Irresistible desire to…
SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA (Spig.) سپائجیلیا انتھیلمیا – سپائی جیلیا NEURALGIA MENTAL FEAR OF INJECTIONS, PINS. Delusions floating in air. Restless and anxious. Easily offended. Weak memory. Buried in thought, absorbed. PHYSICAL Affects the nerves: trifacial nerves, heart, eyes, teeth,…
SEPIA (Sep.) – سیپیا The word to describe Sepia is stagnation. The emotions are still and stagnant. There is indifference and detachment which lead to the characteristic aversion to coition, the irritability towards the husband and the aversion…
SARSAPARILLA (Sars.) – سارسیپریلا – سرساپریلا MAINLY FOR URINARY TRACK INFECTIONS MENTAL Mental depression caused by the pains. Weeping before and during micturition. Changeable mood, alternating. Excitable, industrious during heat. PHYSICAL CYSTITIS WITH PAIN IN THE BLADDER…
SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS (Sang.) – سینگونیریا COMPLAINTS ESPECIALLY HEADACHES > VOMITING MENTAL Delusions that people around her are talking rapidly. LASSITUDE, indisposed to move or make any mental effort. Delusion she was in some vehicle which was moving and…
SECALE CORNUTUM (Sec.) – سیکیل کار – سکیل کار ACTS MAINLY ON THE CIRCULATION MENTAL Shameless, exposes the person. Wants to be naked. Raging, violent, muttering, maniacal delirium. Restlessness. Discouraged and anxious. Apathy. Suicidal disposition to throw himself from…
Reprinted Courtesy the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) Dear Rector Prof. Ludmila Gerasimova, Vice Rector Prof. Tamara Denisova, Director of Homeopathic Center Dr. Nadezhda Pakhmutova, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the year of Russian Greek friendship and…
SAMBUCUS NIGRA (Samb.) سمبوکس – سیمبوکس RESPIRATORY AFFECTIONS WITH EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION MENTAL Suffocative attacks of asthma after fright. Mental symptoms during perspiration (confusion, restlessness, starting, unconsciousness, anxiety). Fear and anxiety during suffocative attacks. PHYSICAL Mostly a children’s remedy.…