PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) فاسفورس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) فاسفورس DIFFUSION IN ALL LEVELS MENTAL OPEN AND IMPRESSIONABLE. OVER-SENSITIVE TO EXTERNAL IMPRESSIONS. Started easily. SYMPATHETIC. Naive, easily trusting. ANXIETY, becomes “free-floating” with no identifiable cause, fear that something will happen. Anxiety others for. Strong anxiety about health esp. relatives. – easily reassured by the doctor. FEARS: thunderstorms, dark, being alone, something will happen, death, heart disease. Desires company. PHYSICAL HÆMORRHAGES. Menses copious, bright red. Epistaxis. UNQUENCHABLE THIRST esp. FOR COLD DRINKS, experiences burning pains internally, relieved by cold things. As soon as the water (or other liquids) becomes warm in the stomach it …
PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ The characteristic of this remedy is the great weakness which begins on the emotional level and gradually progresses to the mental and physical levels. The most usual cause is grief which progresses to such depth that freezes the individual. The patient becomes apathetic and indifferent that nothing can excite them. They stare at the wall with an empty look. They don’t care if they live or die. The falling of hair and the desire for juicy things are confirmatory symptoms for a Ph-ac. case. INDIFFERENCE, APATHY, AILMENTS FROM GRIEF MENTAL Weakness …
PETROLEUM (Petr.) پیٹرولیم پٹرولیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PETROLEUM (Petr.) پیٹرولیم پٹرولیم DRY SKIN, NAUSEA MENTAL THINKS HE IS DOUBLE OR SOMEBODY ELSE IS LYING NEXT TO HIM. Feels that death is near and has to settle his affairs (presentiment of death). Depression with dim vision. Loss of memory, confusion. Does not recognize well known streets. Excited, irritable after coition. PHYSICAL Affects the skin and the mucus membranes. SKIN: DRY, CRACKED, DIRTY, HARD, ROUGH, THICKENED, raw. Wounds heal slowly. ERUPTIONS, usually with painful cracks. Eczema, psoriasis, herpes. <winter. Itching of skin, must scratch until is raw. DRY SKIN with INCREASED MUCUS SECRETIONS. Diarrhœa during skin …
OPIUM (Op.) اوپیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
OPIUM (Op.) اوپیم The keyword for Opium is the sleepiness. The opiates in the brain of these patients are so much increased that promote sleep very easily leading even to narcolepsy. The opiates not only make the patient sleepy but make them blissful. They are so blissful that they don’t feel the pain of their complaints, they don’t realize the seriousness of their condition. Sleepiness and other symptoms can come after a frightening experience. SLEEPINESS, BLISSFULNESS MENTAL AILMENTS FROM FRIGHT – convulsions, chorea, neurological disturbances etc. Sleepy expression of the face. Somnambulism. Indifference to suffering. CHEERFUL AND …
NUX VOMICA (Nux-v.) نکس وامیکا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NUX VOMICA (Nux-v.) نکس وامیکا The central idea in this remedy is the irritation of the nervous system. The individual is excited, impatient, quick to act and very irritable. It is often used in states of exhaustion from over-working, where the nervous system cannot tolerate the slightest stimulus. The noise, the light, the traffic, every little stress is intolerable. The irritability is found and is a leading characteristic during acute diseases. On the physical level, this over excitability manifests in twitching, jerking, headaches but primarily in the sensitivity of the stomach. OVEREXCITABILITY OF NERVOUS SYSTEM, IRRITABILITY MENTAL …
The Controversy Over the “Memory of Water” (George Vithoulkas)
For a very long time, the idea of the “memory of water” tantalized not only the homeopathic community, but also serious scientists and researchers like Luc Antoine Montagnier, a recipient of the Nobel Prize. This misconception originated from an experiment conducted by the famous allergologist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste. He claimed to have shown in an in vitro experiment that highly dilute potencies of bee poison (apis mellifica), even beyond the Avogadro number, are capable of producing structural changes in living organisms in the same way that the real poison from the bee can bring these changes about, being the …
NUX MOSCHATA (Nux-m.) – نکس موشکاٹا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NUX MOSCHATA (Nux-m.) – نکس موشکاٹا DRYNESS & SLEEPINESS MENTAL DULLNESS, CONFUSION AND SLEEPINESS. STATE AS IF IN A DREAM. Clairvoyance. Weakness or loss of memory, lack of concentration, abstraction of mind. Confusion when walking in the open air. Does not recognize, forgets well known streets. Makes mistakes in localities, uses the wrong words. Vanishing thoughts while reading, speaking or writing. Periodical attacks of short lasting absent-mindedness. Delusions he’s three persons, of being double, of floating in the air, that everything is strange. Hysteria. Changeable mood esp. during heat. Weeping alternating with laughter. Stupefaction < menses, pregnancy. …
NITRICUM ACIDUM (Nit-ac.) – نائٹرک ایسڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NITRICUM ACIDUM (Nit-ac.) – نائٹرک ایسڈ – نائٹریکم ایسڈم The Nit-ac. patient is miserable, in a state of constant dissatisfaction. They are never pleased by anything. They become nihilistic to the point that life is meaningless. The characteristic on the physical level is the sluggish circulation, the splinter-like pains and the offensiveness of the discharges. MISERABLE, ANXIOUS WITH STITCHING PAINS AND OFFENSIVE DISCHARGES MENTAL ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH. Fear of impending disease, cancer, death. Hypochondriacal anxiety. Unforgiving, bears a grudge. Unmoved by apologies. NIHILISTIC. Irritable, sad, cursing. Never cheerful. Suicidal disposition. PHYSICAL STITCHING, SPLINTER-LIKE PAINS. Their …
NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.) – نیٹرم سلفیوریکم – نیٹرم سلف Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NATRUM SULPHURICUM (Nat-s.) – نیٹرم سلفیوریکم – نیٹرم سلف WORSE IN WARM WET WEATHER – CHEERFUL AFTER STOOL MENTAL Loathing life, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS by shooting but restrains himself because of grief given to relatives. CHEERFUL AFTER STOOL. Mental symptoms AFTER INJURIES TO HEAD OR SPINE (confusion, dullness, sadness, insanity). Fastidious, too much sense of duty. PHYSICAL <WET WEATHER. Feels every change in weather from dry to wet. Difficult, asthmatic respiration, < 04:00 to 05:00, <wet, damp weather. Diarrhoea with loud flatus, on rising and moving about. Diarrhoea from sudden joy, after rich food, during jaundice. HIP JOINT …
NATRUM MURIATICUM (Nat-m.) – نیٹرم میور – نیٹرم میوریاٹیکم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
NATRUM MURIATICUM (Nat-m.) – نیٹرم میور – نیٹرم میوریاٹیکم The characteristic of Nat-m. is the fear of rejection, of being ridiculed. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, so if they get hurt they close up, keeping their sorrow inside and eventually become hard, with no emotions to the extent that they cannot cry. The fear of being ridiculed prevents them from doing things. If they cry they’ll be alone to avoid the ridicule to others. They are proper and perfectionists. The grief leaves scars on them, they change and become closed and mistrustful. They think of the grief …