COFFEA CRUDA (Coff.) – کافیا کروڈا Oversensitive people, too sensitive to external impressions who get excessively excited and who suffer from insomnia. The Coffea patient has extreme alertness with all the senses under high tension especially the sense of…
COCCULUS INDICUS (Cocc.) – کاکولس انڈیکس In Cocculus the vision is not adjusted as the person is moving. The accommodation of the eye is slow resulting to dizziness, headaches, vomiting and vertigo. They are very sensitive to loss…
CINA (Cina) – سینا The irritation of the nervous system in Cina is such that they cannot have peace. We see the irritation in all levels. In the mental level there’s irritability and capriciousness and on the physical…
CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (Cimic.) – سمی سی فیوگا ریسی موسا CHRONIC HEADACHES AND RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS MENTAL Incessant talking, loquacity changing from one subject to another. Loquacious delirium. Restlessness and uneasiness, difficult concentration, cannot fix attention. Jerky. Dullness with…
CICUTA VIROSA (Cic.) – سیکوٹا وروسا CONVULSIONS FROM INJURIES OF HEAD WITH FRIGHTFUL DISTORTIONS OF THE FACE MENTAL FRIGHTFUL DISTORTIONS OF THE FACE, DURING CONVULSIONS. Convulsions with bizarre distortions. Shrieking, screaming, shouting, fear before convulsions. Childishness with…
CHINA OFFICINALIS / CINCHONA OFFICINALIS (Chin.) – چائنا – سنکونا This is a touchy person. The nervous system is in a state of irritation. Touch aggravates them in the physical and emotional levels. They react badly with the…
CHELIDONIUM MAJUS (Chel.) – چیلی ڈونیم – چیلیڈونیم GALL BLADDER AND LIVER AFFECTIONS MENTAL Powerful, domineering, dictatorial. Wants others to listen to her advice and likes to run others’ lives. PHYSICAL GALL-BLADDER AND LIVER AFFECTIONS. Gall-stones, cholocystitis. PAIN…
CHAMOMILLA (Cham.) – کیمومیلا – کیموملا Chamomilla patients are oversensitive people to an extreme degree. Oversensitivity and irritability run through the whole symptom picture. Chamomilla is very much indicated in children during the period of dentition. EXCITABLE,…
CAUSTICUM (Caust.) – کاسٹیکم The Causticum people are sensitive and easily affected by the environment. They develop very strong feelings about the suffering of others (especially the social suffering rather than the physical like Phosphorus). They get so…
CARBO VEGETABILIS (Carb-v.) – کاربو ویجی ٹیبلس Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CARBO VEGETABILIS (Carb-v.) – کاربو ویجی ٹیبلس The idea of Carbo vegetabilis is the emptiness that we see in all levels. The person feels that life is leaving him, he feels like an empty sac. The circulation is…