A Solved Case of Death Phobia, Fear of Heart Attack, Severe Depression, Stomach Disorder and Anxiety about Health – Homeopathic Treatment (Hussain Kaisrani)
Dear Dr Hussain Kaisrani, AOA! As explained on phone, nowadays the only issue is my health issue. Feeling of left side chest pain, I have had multiple visits to emergencies in Pakistan and UK due to this chest pain because sometimes I feel sharp and heavy pain like attack. I had almost all major tests, nothing comes up in the test, I am having bad dreams, phobias of death and heart attack and before sleep, and I am having tough time to sleep due to phobias – having bad dreams and off and on. I am up and shouting one …
STRAMONIUM (Stram.) – سٹرامونیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
STRAMONIUM (Stram.) – سٹرامونیم In Stramonium the words to remember are aggressiveness and violence. They can become so violent as to kill. There is a dark element in these patients and it’s interesting here to mention the extreme fear of darkness. They have fear of tunnels, of closed or narrow places, of water, of shining surfaces. These patients (esp. the children) can get into a Stramonium state after a frightening experience. They get terrible nightmares where they wake up in terror, with eyes wide open, but not recognizing anyone. They need some time to get out of the nightmare …
SELENIUM (Sel.) – سلینیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
SELENIUM (Sel.) – سلینیم IMPOTENCY, PROSTATE AFFECTIONS WITH EMISSION OF SEMEN DURING STOOL MENTAL Mental prostration, confusion, irritability esp. after emissions. Weakness of memory, cannot concentrate. Dreads work. Aversion to company and intimate friends. Lascivious but impotent. Dipsomania before menses. PHYSICAL Prostate affections. Inflammation, induration, swelling, enlargement of prostate esp. senile. EMISSION OF PROSTATIC FLUID OR SEMEN DURING STOOL, during walking or sitting, during sleep. Dribbling of urine after stool and urine. Prematurely old – specific parts of the body seem old (e.g. sexual organs, thighs). Falling of hair from different parts of the body (genitalia, …
VERATRUM ALBUM (Verat.) – وراٹرم البم – وریٹرم البم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
VERATRUM ALBUM (Verat.) – وراٹرم البم – وریٹرم البم The prominent characteristic of this remedy is the overactivity, mental and physical. There’s an exaggeration in all levels. On the mental level we see a restless, overactive and overstimulated mind. The mental abilities are over developed. We see too clever children, with skills beyond their age. These people can impress you with their knowledge and acuteness of mind. On the physical level, there is restlessness in chronic as well as in acute states. RESTLESSNESS – MENTAL & PHYSICAL MENTAL MENTAL OVER-STIMULATION. Unhealthy acuteness of mind, precocity. CONFUSION AS TO …
VALERIANA (Valer.) – ویریلیانا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
VALERIANA (Valer.) – ویریلیانا HYSTERIA, ARTHRITIC PAINS, WANDERING SYMPTOMS MENTAL Animated, anxious, irritable, restless patients with changeable mood. ACTS HYSTERICALLY. Weeping alternating with laughter. Over sensitiveness of all senses. Mental symptoms alternating with physical. Cheerful in evening, mirth, hilarity. Various delusions she is someone other person, he’s poor, people are beside him, is away from home, floating in air. Fear on entering a room. Fear ameliorated in open air. Restlessness at night, open air amel. Mental symptoms are worse in darkness. PHYSICAL RHEUMATIC AND NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMS. Sensation as if a thread were hanging in the throat. …
TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM (Tub.) – ٹیوبرکولینم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM (Tub.) – ٹیوبرکولینم Romantic and unfulfilled. Enthusiastic but soon bored, they need change in their life. They cannot stick in one place, with one person, with one job, hence their love of travelling. Tuberculinum is a remedy that is very often indicated when there is a history of tuberculosis in the patient or his/her family. The grinding of teeth during sleep is a strong indication for this remedy. PASSIONATE, EXCITED, DESIRING CHANGE – GRINDING OF TEETH MENTAL PASSIONATE, ROMANTIC, UNFULFILLED “COSMOPOLITAN” PATIENTS. DISCONTENT, NEEDS CHANGE AND EXCITEMENT. DESIRES TRAVELLING. Moaning and groaning. CHILDREN: Hyperactivity. …
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS (Thuja) – تھوجا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS (Thuja) – تھوجا SECRETIVE – TENDENCY TO GROWTHS MENTAL RESERVED. Secretive. Manipulative. Delusions that the body is brittle, is delicate, that she’s made of glass, that animals are in abdomen, that soul and body were separated. Lack of self-confidence, delusions he’s worthless. Dullness <morning. PHYSICAL OVERGROWTHS: WARTS, CONDYLOMATA, tumors, fibroids, cysts. Used for treating bad effects of vaccination esp. smallpox. Ailments from suppressed gonorrhea (rheumatic pains of joints, prostatitis, eye inflammation etc.). Urethritis. Forked stream of urine. Sensation that something is alive in the abdomen. Coryza during stool. Strong tendency to catarrhs. Leucorrhœa, nasal, …
TARENTULA HISPANICA (Tarent.) – ٹیرنٹلا ہسپانیکا – ٹیرنٹولا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
TARENTULA HISPANICA (Tarent.) – ٹیرنٹلا ہسپانیکا – ٹیرنٹولا Tarentula is a remedy with excess energy. They are restless, quick in their motions, impatient, do many things together. They feel better when they listen to loud, rhythmical music and when dancing. All symptoms are ameliorated with dancing. The energy is so much that the sexuality is increased to the point of nymphomania. When they get angry they get intense too, they can become violent. In later stages of pathology, they can become manic-depressive or develop insanity with rage. EXCESS ENERGY – RESTLESSNESS – HURRIEDNESS MENTAL HYPERACTIVE, RESTLESSNESS. …
TABACUM (Tab.) – ٹیبکم Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
TABACUM (Tab.) – ٹیبکم NAUSEA, ICY COLDNESS, SWEAT PHYSICAL SEASICKNESS, terrible faint, sinking feeling at pit of stomach, better in fresh cold air and by uncovering the abdomen. Deathly nausea with or without vomiting. The patient is clammy, cold and pale. Nausea of pregnancy, with spitting. The nausea is worse when opening the eyes. Prostration and relaxation of entire muscular system, with free secretions. Sensation as if stomach were hanging down. Vertigo on opening eye’s. Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, esp. in tobacco users. Constipation, esp. in tobacco users. Hiccough after cough Desire for tobacco. MODALITIES AGG.: …