AGNUS CASTUS (Agn.) – ایگنس کاسٹس IMPOTENCY WITH DEPRESSION MENTAL Premature old age from abuse of sexual power, after sexual excesses. DESPONDENT, GREAT ANXIETY AND DESPAIR ABOUT HEALTH. Sexual melancholy. Discouraged with himself. Apathetic. Presentiment of death,…
AGARICUS MUSCARIUS (Agar.) اگاریکوس The psychological pathology of Agaricus typically manifests in dependent, weak-willed individuals. These persons have from an early age established a pattern of seeking the guidance and domination of a stronger person. They have a…
AETHUSA CYNAPIUM (Aeth.) – ایتھوزا سیناپیوم LOVES ANIMALS, INTOLERANCE TO MILK MENTAL Reserved. Does not communicate his emotions and becomes a loner. LOVES ANIMALS esp. CATS. SYMPATHETIC TOWARDS ANIMALS. Extraordinary communication with animals. Becomes animal protector. Fear of…
AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM (Aesc.) VENOUS CONGESTION – STASIS – SLOWING DOWN OF FUNCTIONS MENTAL MENTAL / EMOTIONAL STAGNATION. DULLNESS, HEAVINESS, CONFUSION. Concentration difficult – unable to fix his attention. Wakes up in a dazed state, in total confusion,…
EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (Euphr.) – یوفریزیا AFFECTIONS OF EYES WITH ACRID LACHRYMATION MENTAL CONFUSION BETTER BY WASHING FACE. Inclination to sit. Sad, general depression, weeping when lying down at night. Buried and lost in thoughts. PHYSICAL Hay…
Homeopathy is widely used by adults, but homeopathy for infants and children is even more popular. One of the areas where homeopathy first aid is most often used is in the management of accidents and ailments suffered by children and…
Constipation is passage of small amounts of hard, dry bowel movements, usually fewer than three times a week. People who are constipated may find it difficult and painful to have a bowel movement. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable,…
ACONITUM NAPELLUS (Acon.) All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of impending death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Ailments that arise from fright that threatened the life of the person. FEAR…
Sepsis is a serious medical condition characterized by a whole-body inflammatory state (called a systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS) caused by infection.[1][2] The body may develop this inflammatory response to microbes in the blood. The related layman’s term is…
Anemia (AmE) or anæmia/anaemia (BrE) (from the Ancient Greek anaîmia, meaning “without blood”) is defined as a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of hemoglobin, a molecule found inside red blood cells (RBCs). Since hemoglobin normally carries oxygen from the lungs to the…