SECALE CORNUTUM (Sec.) – سیکیل کار – سکیل کار ACTS MAINLY ON THE CIRCULATION MENTAL Shameless, exposes the person. Wants to be naked. Raging, violent, muttering, maniacal delirium. Restlessness. Discouraged and anxious. Apathy. Suicidal disposition to throw himself from…
Reprinted Courtesy the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) Dear Rector Prof. Ludmila Gerasimova, Vice Rector Prof. Tamara Denisova, Director of Homeopathic Center Dr. Nadezhda Pakhmutova, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the year of Russian Greek friendship and…
SABINA (Sabin.) – سبائنا – سبائینا METRORRHAGIA WITH BIG CLOTS MENTAL Closed, feels forsaken, sad and melancholic < consolation. Oversensitive to music, sadness from music. Music is intolerable, it goes through the bones. Oversensitive to slightest noise. Crying…
SABADILLA (Sabad.) – سباڈلا – سباڈیلا HAY FEVER, HAY ASTHMA WITH SNEEZING MENTAL Erroneous ideas as to the state of his body. Delusions that parts of the body are DEFORMED, e.g. feel that the body is shrunken, that…
جسم کے کسی اندرونی حصے یا عضو کے کسی غیر معمولی جگہ سے اُبھر آنے کو فتق یا ہرنیا HERNIA کہتے ہیں۔ ہرنیا اگرچہ جسم کے کسی حصہ میں ہو سکتا ہے مثلاً پیٹ میں، فوطوں میں، سر میں تاہم…
RUTA GRAVEOLENS (Ruta) روٹا AFFECTIONS OF FIBROUS TISSUES, TENDONS, JOINTS, PERIOSTEUM MENTAL PANIC, with fear of death ESP. DURING HEAT OR ON ENTERING A HOT ROOM. Restlessness during fever, changes position frequently. Sluggish, slow mind. Dissatisfied. Aversion…
RUMEX CRISPUS (Rumex) ریومیکس AFFECTIONS OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM < COLD PHYSICAL COUGH constant, tickling, croupy, hoarse, whooping, hacking, paroxysmal. < inhaling cold air, going from warm to cold, irregular breathing, touching the larynx, eating, bending head backward.…
RHUS TOXICODENDRON (Rhus-t.) رہس ٹاکس رس ٹاکس RESTLESSNESS, AGGRAVATED BY KEEPING STILL MENTAL EXTREME RESTLESSNESS. Stiff, unable to relax. Anxious and sad. SUPERSTITIOUS. Compulsive, ritualistic behavior. Anxiety about his children, about business. Delusions that he was about…
RATANHIA (Rat.) ریٹینہیا SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM MENTAL Compulsive neurosis. Superstitions and compulsions of religious nature. Compulsive in general or concerning their rectal hygiene. PHYSICAL Acts on RECTUM, eyes and teeth. Haemorrhoids. Protrude after stool. Fissures…
RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS (Ran-b.) ریننکولس بلبولس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS (Ran-b.) ریننکولس بلبولس AFFECTS THE NERVES AND MUSCLES, ESPECIALLY CHEST MUSCLES MENTALS Closed, careful, rigid people. Intellectual properness, wants to do everything ‘decently’, even sex. However they have aversion to responsibility, they have no ambition, out…