CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم IMPOTENCY MENTAL Amorous, lascivious with impotency. Symptoms from sexual excesses (ex. memory weakness). DEPRESSION due to unsatisfied sexual desire. Sadness from masturbation. Lack of enthusiasm. Indifferent to everything. Eventually becomes indifferent to sex. Weakness of memory. Very forgetful, absent-minded. Mental confusion, inability to perform intellectual work. Anxiety about health, hypochondriacal anxiety. Very careful about health- refuses to take medicine, fear of infection, of catching contagious disease. Fear of cutting himself while shaving. Nervous excitement. PHYSICAL Special action on the genitalia of both sexes. IMPOTENCE WITH SEXUAL DESIRE. Increased sexual desire …
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS (Cact.) – کیکٹس گرانڈی فلورس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS (Cact.) – کیکٹس گرانڈی فلورس CONSTRICTION – CONGESTION – CONTRACTION MENTAL Shrieking from pain. Delusion that she is caught in wires, that the body is wrapped. Anxiety about health, reaches hypochondriasis. Despair of recovery. Desires to take large doses of medicine. Delusion he’s about to die with rheumatism or heart disease. Fear of death or that something will happen. Delirium during sleep. Mania during fever and heat. Suspicious, mistrustful. PHYSICAL HEART AND CIRCULATION PROBLEMS: infarct, angina, etc. WITH CONSTRICTIVE PAINS AND SWELLING OF LEFT HAND. Numbness or pains extend to the left arm, hand …
BRYONIA ALBA (Bry.) – برائیونیا – برائی اونیا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BRYONIA ALBA (Bry.) – برائیونیا – برائی اونیا In Bryonia the characteristic is aggravation from motion. On the mental level, any ‘motion’ is intolerable too; they want to be by themselves. We see great irritability with the desire to be left alone. They are aggravated by any interference which will make them put the slightest physical or mental effort. WORSE FROM SLIGHTEST MOTION, DRYNESS MENTAL Irritable, wants to be quiet. Anxiety about the future. Strong fear of poverty, anxiety about money matters, talks about business. Delusions he’s away from home. PHYSICAL All ailments are WORSE FROM MOTION; …
BROMIUM (Brom.) – برومیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BROMIUM (Brom.) – برومیم SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES – RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS MENTAL Hard, not flexible individuals. The mind loses its flexibility and becomes as immovable as a stone and quite unable to function. Cannot eliminate, keeps emotions inside. Eventually becomes emotionless. Sad, indifferent, discontented. Sits alone in room without doing anything, staring in one direction without saying anything, without emotions, without thoughts. She is deeply despondent, sits alone in her room without doing anything, without saying anything and constantly looks in one direction. Delusion that strange persons are looking over their shoulder or that they would see someone …
BOVISTA (Bov.) – بووسٹا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BOVISTA (Bov.) – بووسٹا ENLARGED SENSATION – ANXIETY – AWKWARDNESS MENTAL ANXIETY and inner HURRIEDNESS. Chaotic. Everything is EXAGGERATED: awkward in speech and action- stammers, drops things, laughs and cries alternately. Alternating mood. Sub-manic states. ENLARGED SENSATION. Absent minded – staring thoughtless, looking fixedly at one point. Closed – cannot connect. Sensitive, easily offended. Anxiety about anything, not easy to define it. PHYSICAL Influences circulation, causing relaxation of capillary system. ENLARGED, SWOLLEN FEELING IN HEAD AND HEART. General puffiness- swelling. Skin gets indented easily from pressure. Perspiration smells like onions. Diarrhoea before or during menses. Menses …
BORAX (Borx.) – بوریکس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BORAX (Borx.) – بوریکس FEAR OF DOWNWARD MOTION, APHTHAE MENTAL FEAR AND ANXIETY ON DOWNWARD MOTION, riding down hill. Startled easily esp. at sneezing, hawking, from noise, from fright. Oversensitive to noise. Fear or even diarrhoea from sudden noise. Makes involuntary motions of the hands. Fear of falling, of infections. PHYSICAL Affects MUCOUS MEMBRANES, causing catarrhal conditions. Children or infants cry and scream before the urine passes. Frequent urging to urinate, shrieking before urinating or before stool. Painful urging, the child cries. DESCENDING AGGRAVATES SYMPTOMS. It causes fullness of head, impeded respiration, vertigo. APHTHAE of tongue, …
BERBERIS VULGARIS (Berb.) – بربیرس ویلگارس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BERBERIS VULGARIS (Berb.) – بربیرس ویلگارس AFFECTIONS OF KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND BACK WITH RADIATING PAINS MENTAL Fear of solitude. Feels anxiety in different body positions. Mentally and physically tired. Weakness of mind that is especially apparent in twilight. Weakness of memory. Dullness of mind esp. on waking. The patient sees terrifying apparitions at twilight, including ghosts or imaginary forms surrounding him. Melancholy, sadness, apathy and inclination to weep. Darkness aggravates. PHYSICAL Acts on KIDNEYS, BLADDER & LIVER. Arthritic affections with urinary disturbances. RADIATING PAINS from kidneys, renal region. Kidney stones, colic. Kidney pain extending into thigh, calves, …
BELLADONNA (Bell.) – بیلاڈونا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BELLADONNA (Bell.) – بیلاڈونا In Belladonna we see intensity in the acute states as well as in the constitutional characteristics. The acute symptoms come suddenly and with great intensity. In chronic cases, we see people with intense emotions. This intensity is expressed in violence and aggressiveness and is so strong that even during sleep they are talking loudly and grind their teeth. INTENSITY OF SYMPTOMS, CONGESTION, RED FACE WITH COLD EXTREMITIES MENTAL People with intense emotions. Rage, violent, biting people or objects, pulls hair, spits, kicks, impulse to set things on fire. Delirium with congestion. Many …
BAPTISIA TINCTORIA (Bapt.) – بیپٹیشیا ٹنکٹوریا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
BAPTISIA TINCTORIA (Bapt.) – بیپٹیشیا ٹنکٹوریا In Baptisia we see the disintegration of the body and mind. The high fever and the offensiveness show the decomposition processes that take place internally. On the mental level the patient experiences this disintegration as a delusion that the body is scattered, its parts are separated. It’s indicated in later stages of serious inflammatory processes. DISINTEGRATION – OFFENSIVENESS – FEELS THE BODY IS SCATTERED MENTAL DELUSIONS HE IS SEPARATED OR SCATTERED (DUALITY). Delusions-one part of body is talking, conversing to another (toe with thumb, legs). Falls asleep in mid-sentence in …