Homeopathic Treatment for Typhoid Fever – Step by Step Case Study – Hussain Kaisrani
This case of Mrs QB – age 37 years – was sent to me through one of her family member. She was having low temperature since four days. There was a complaint of abdominal pain as well. Weird feelings on tongue, very difficult to swallow. Urine and stool very smelly. Sleepless and restless at night. No hunger at all. She suffered from Typhoid twice in the past and had been hospitalized for many days. Her thinking was that it is also a Typhoid fever and this time she wanted to avoid strong medicines. Her family decided to get homeopathic treatment. They got some medicines from a homeopathic …
بچوں کا بچپنا اور شرارتیں صحت کی علامت ہیں یا بیماری کی؟
ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان ہومیوپیتھی تدریس و تحریر میں اپنا ممتاز اور منفرد مقام رکھتے ہیں۔ وسیع المطالعہ ہونے اور سلیس اسلوب نگارش کے طفیل وہ نہایت گہری بات جتنی سادگی سے کرنے کا ملکہ رکھتے ہیں وہ صلاحیت پاکستان کی حد تک شاید ہی کسی اور ہومیوپیتھک ڈاکٹر میں ہو۔ بچوں کے مزاج اور علاج کے حوالہ سے ان کا بیان فرمودہ “جوناتھن شور” کا ایک کیس بڑی ہی اہمیت کا حامل ہے۔ میں نے اپنے کلینیکل تجربات میں بھی اِس امر کا مشاہدہ کئی بار کیا ہے۔ جوناتھن شور امریکن ہومیوپیتھ ہے اور گزشتہ چالیس سال سے یورپ …
A Solved Case of severe Constipation and Hemorrhoids / Piles / varicose veins / بواسیر کا کامیاب کیس – ہومیوپیتھک علاج – Hussain Kaisrani
A lady age 30 years working as a programmer in an IT department of multinational company wanted to get homeopathic treatment of her piles problem شدید قبض اور بواسیر کا ہومیوپیتھک علاج . She sent her case through email and her medicines were dispatched as she was not comfortable to visit and discuss her case personally. Following is the summary of her case received by email. Her childhood and young age remained healthy. Had constipation and hard stool problem since 5 years or so Six months ago she noticed blood with stool Gradually blood with pain and itching started Since …
Dr. C. G. Raue discusses Panaritium and presents important remedies with keynotes
It is an inflammation of the thumb or of one of the fingers, which terminates in suppuration. There are two distinct varieties of this inflammation, a superficial and a deep-seated one. The superficial form, Whitlow, Run-Around, is generally seated immediately around and beneath the nail, commencing either at the side of the finger, upon its dorsal surface, or at its extremity. Without much, if any swelling, the part is of a dusky reddish aspect, tender on pressure, and exquisitely painful, throbbing violently and incessantly, and causing more or less constitutional disorder. Two or three days after these phenomena present themselves, …
Homeopathic Treatment and Homeopathy Medicines for Chorea
For reading in Urdu, please Clink on Following link: رعشہ – ہومیوپیتھک علاج – حسین قیصرانی ،Huntington’s Chorea, Chorea Homeopathic Treatment of Chorea Chorea is an abnormal involuntary movement derived from the Greek word “dance”. It is characterized by brief, abrupt, irregular, unpredictable, non-stereotyped movements. In milder cases, they may appear purposeful; the patient often appears fidgety and clumsy. They can affect various body parts, and interfere with speech, swallowing, posture and gait. Chorea may worsen with anxiety and voluntary movements, and subsides during sleep. Chorea is characterized by brief, semi-directed, irregular movements that are not repetitive or rhythmic, but …
Homeopathic Treatment Top Homeopathy medicines for Autism Spectrum Disorder
آٹزم سپیکٹرم ڈس آرڈر کیا، کیوں، کیسے ۔ دوا علاج کے معاملات – حسین قیصرانی Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Overview Autism is a term commonly used to describe a spectrum of developmental disorders, formally known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). The condition is characterized by significant differences in cognitive, language, social, and motor development, typically becoming apparent before the age of three. Research suggests that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may stem from challenges in regulating expressive movement and sensory responses, making it difficult for individuals to manage body movements and react consistently to the environment and others. These difficulties …
Homeopathy remedies for injuries
Being a student of homeopathic medicine is a journey from known to unknown. Regardless of how much we read our material medica, it always challenges our limits. It is often said “your eyes will see in a patient, what your mind knows.” Here we have illustrated how to use and differentiate remedies, which we have learned through our clinical experience while treating cases. We once had a case of a middle aged man who got punched on his chest by his friend in an argument. He called us to get some medicines for this. On enquiring about his complaints he …
جگر کے امراض، اہم علامات، ہومیوپیتھک دوائیں اور علاج ۔ حسین قیصرانی۔
جگر (Liver) کی اہمیت کسی بھی اہم جسمانی عضو (دل، دماغ، گردے وغیرہ) سے کم نہیں۔ نظامِ ہاضمہ کو اِعتدال میں رکھنے کا یہ نہایت ہی اہم عضو ہے۔ اس کا کمال یہ ہے کہ جسم کو نقصان پہنچانے والے مواد اپنے اندر جمع کرتا ہے؛ اس مواد سے صفراء پیدا کرتا ہے اور اسے پِتہ (Gallbladder) کے ذریعے معدہ میں پہنچاتا ہے جہاں یہ غذا کو ہضم کرنے میں مدد دیتا ہے۔ یہ بڑا مضبوط اور قوی عضو ہے مگر انتہائی بد پرہیزی اور موروثی بیماریوں سے متاثر ہو کر اِس کے خراب ہونے کا اِمکان رہتا ہے۔ جگر …
A homeopathic treatment of Hoarseness – A Causticum case
A lady – age 35 years – from London (UK) developed a problem of hoarseness آواز یا گلا بیٹھنا soon after reaching Pakistan. She is already a patient of diabetes since 5 years along with tonsil problem which is being managed by gargling. The recent issue of hoarseness was severe. Due to it, she was having problem in socializing for which she came to Pakistan. On March 19, 2016 she visited me and all the detail of her case was taken. No other issue directly related to hoarseness was found. She was taking good amount of conventional medicines prescribed and …