Autumn season homeopathic rubrics, symptoms by dr devendra pal singh
Hello everyone its been since I have posted any article now. My self dr devendra pal singh Autumn season rubrics Autumn season is from august to October Today we will discuss autumn season rubrics and see their efficacy in daily practice. Taking season as a rubric will increased our range to explore the vitality, 1st of all many physician asked me why to consider season as a rubrics my answer is if its of no use then why it is given in repertory and materia medica and certain people tend to get sick in a particular season so its related …
TUBERCULINUM – An important Nosode – Bhuvaneswari Jayashankar
…. ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOSODE…… TUBERCULINUM… Source Human or animal tuberculous tissue rendered sterile. Personality profile Some homeopaths treat Tuberculinum simply as a nosode, to be given when there is a family history of tuberculosis. The mentals of Tuberculinum constitute a personality profile as distinct and specific as any other type, but unfortunately it is poorly understood by the majority of homeopaths, and this is one reason the remedy is used more as a nosode than as a constitutional remedy. The remedy is made from tuberculous lymph nodes, and as usual there is some correspondence between the origin of the remedy …
ہومیوپیتھک دوا ارجنٹم نائٹریکم: جارج وتھالکس
تلخیص و ترجمہ ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان، واہ کینٹ ڈاکٹر ملک مسعود یحیےٰنائٹریٹ آف سلور ذہنی جذباتی علامات: * اپنی صحت کی بابت شدید پریشانی۔ موت کا خوف * مراق * دماغ مخصوص خیالات پر اڑجاتا ہے۔ ان پر قابو نہیں پاسکتا نہ ہی ان خیالات کو دماغ میں آنے سے روک سکتا ہے۔ * بلندیوں کا خوف۔ ہجوم کا خوف۔ پل کراس کرنے سے خوف * تنگ جگہوں کا خوف۔ بند جگہوں کا خوف * پیش بینی اضطراب اسہال کا پیش خیمہ ہوتا ہے * بار بار پیشاب * خارجی اشیاء سے دلچسپی کا رجحان * اپنے محسوسات دو …
جارج وتھالکس
جارج وتھالکس بنیادی طور پر سول انجینئر ہیں ۔ آپ یونان کے شہر ایتھنز میں 1932 ء میں پیدا ہوئے۔ 1959 ء میں وہ حادثاتی یا اتفاقی طور پر ہومیوپیتھی سے متعارف ہوئے اور پھر اسی کے ہو کر رہ گئے۔ آپ نے 1966ء میں انڈین انسٹیٹیوٹ آف ہومیوپیتھی سے ڈپلوما حاصل کیا۔ آپ نے 1976 ء میں یونانی زبان میں جریدہ ’’ہومیوپیتھک میڈیسن‘‘ کا اجراء کیا۔ آپ بہت ساری کتابوں کے مصنف بھی ہیں جن میں’’سائنس آف ہومیوپیتھی‘، میڈیسن آف نیو مین کا لاتعداد زبانوں میں ترجمہ ہو چکا ہے۔ آپ کی کتاب میٹریا میڈیکا وائیوا کی گیارہ جلدیں …
George Vithoulkas challenges the Sceptics!
As the sceptics have made a website calling it 10.23 in order to degrade homeopathy, George Vithoulkas is suggesting to them the following proposal! I challenge the Sceptics! Several sceptics in 10:23 anti homeopathy campaign (swallowed in public each one a full bottle of different homeopathic remedies just to show that there was nothing in them. I propose to swallow the same content of about 60 tablets but in a different way: Swallow one tablet every day. I propose the remedy to be Alumina 200C (a dilution far beyond the Avogadro number) and I promise them that in the end of 60 …
جارج وتھالکس انٹرویو اردو ترجمہ ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان
جارج وتھالکس بنیادی طور پر سول انجینئر ہیں ۔ آپ یونان کے شہر ایتھنز میں 1932ء میں پیدا ہوئے۔ 1959ء میں وہ حادثاتی یا اتفاقی طور پر ہومیوپیتھی سے متعارف ہوئے اور پھر اسی کے ہو کر رہ گئے۔ آپ نے 1966ء میں انڈین انسٹیٹیوٹ آف ہومیوپیتھی سے ڈپلوما حاصل کیا۔ آپ نے 1976 ء میں یونانی زبان میں جریدہ ’’ہومیوپیتھک میڈیسن‘‘ کا اجراء کیا۔ آپ بہت ساری کتابوں کے مصنف بھی ہیں جن میں’’سائنس آف ہومیوپیتھی‘، میڈیسن آف نیو مین کا لاتعداد زبانوں میں ترجمہ ہو چکا ہے۔ آپ کی کتاب میٹریا میڈیکا وائیوا کی گیارہ جلدیں مکمل …
The Soul of Homeopathic Remedy: Argentum Nitricum – Dr. Rajan Sankaran
Dr. Rajan Sankaran shares his remedy picture of Argentum Nitricum from his book, The Soul of Remedies. Fear of high places, fear of losing control and fear of narrow places are among the keynote rubrics. It is a mineral remedy belonging to the sycotic, tubercular and cancer miasms. It is a compound silver (Ag), of Argentum whose main theme is performance and Nitrate whose main theme is the feeling of sudden danger. The two come together in Argentum nitricum, whose main theme as “Performance in sudden danger or crisis”. There is a feeling as if the person will be accepted …
Homeopathic Remedy STAPHISAGRIA (Staph.) – The Essence of Materia Medica – George Vithoulkas
The main idea characterizing Staphisagria is SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS, particularly those centering around romantic relationships. Staphysagria patients are very excitable, very easily aroused; Their problems are then compounded when they do not allow natural outlets for their arousal. It can manifest in basically two ways which are typified by women and men. In women, the emotional suppression results in a state of sweet passivity and resignation – a kind of timidity. In men, this sensitivity may not be so obvious; to the outside world they may appear masculine, even hard, but inside they experience the same kind of delicate sensitivity …
Homeopathic Remedy Arsenicum Album – The Essence of Materia Medica by George Vithoulkas
Arsenicum Album (ars.) is a classic remedy known in its basic outlines to all homoeopaths. Originally proven by Hahnemann himself, Ars. has been exhaustively described in every Materia Medica since. The classic description in Kent’s Materia Medica covers all the essentials in both the acute and chronic states: Anxiety, Restlessness, Aggravated by Cold, Worse 1 – 2 p.m. and 1 – 2 a.m. , Thirsty for Sips, Periodicity, Alternations of Symptoms, Ulcerations, Burning PAINS. A mere cataloguing of symptoms can be misleading in actual prescribing. However, unless the image is rounded out by a understanding of the essential dynamic process …
Homeopathic Remedy Arsenicum Album – The Essence of Materia Medica by George Vithoulkas
Arsenicum Album (ars.) is a classic remedy known in its basic outlines to all homoeopaths. Originally proven by Hahnemann himself, Ars. has been exhaustively described in every Materia Medica since. The classic description in Kent’s Materia Medica covers all the essentials in both the acute and chronic states: Anxiety, Restlessness, Aggravated by Cold, Worse 1 – 2 p.m. and 1 – 2 a.m. , Thirsty for Sips, Periodicity, Alternations of Symptoms, Ulcerations, Burning PAINS. A mere cataloguing of symptoms can be misleading in actual prescribing. However, unless the image is rounded out by a understanding of the essential dynamic process …