PULSATILLA (NIGRICANS) PRATENSIS (Puls.) پلساٹیلا پلسٹیلا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PULSATILLA (NIGRICANS) PRATENSIS (Puls.) پلساٹیلا پلسٹیلا In this remedy, we see that the main characteristic is the changeability. The physical symptoms are changing, the nature of the discharges is changeable, the pains are wandering. On the mental level, we see indecision, the mood is alternating. The Pulsatilla individual is soft, yielding and insecure. She usually relies on other people and needs their attention and reassurance. She’s sensitive, weeps very easily and is ameliorated by consolation and affection. CHANGEABILITY MENTAL Malleable and changeable. MILD, YIELDING, GENTLE, SOFT AND TIMID. WEEPS EASILY. > CONSOLATION AND AFFECTION. Forsaken feeling. Fears: …
PODOPHYLLUM (Podo.) پوڈوفائلم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PODOPHYLLUM (Podo.) پوڈوفائلم ACUTE PROFUSE SPUTTERING, GUSHING DIARRHOEAS MENTAL Delirious loquacity during chill and fever. Melancholia, sadness. Moaning in sleep, during cough. PHYSICAL Profuse diarrhoea. FORCIBLE, EXPLOSIVE, SPUTTERING STOOL. The diarrhoea soils the whole toilet bowl. Offensive stool. If the diarrhoea is not offensive, forget Podophyllum (Kent). Thin, liquid stool, pouring out. Involuntary stool on passing flatus. Stool with meal-like sediment, like chalk lumps. Diarrhoea < 04:00, after sour fruit, sour milk, drinking water, oysters, after bathing. >warm applications, lying esp. on the right side. Prolapsus of rectum during or after stool. Prolapsus and dragging down …
PICRICUM ACIDUM (Pic-ac.) پکرک ایسڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PICRICUM ACIDUM (Pic-ac.) پکرک ایسڈ MENTAL EXHAUSTION MENTAL PROSTRATION OF MIND. Begins on the mental level and works through emotions to physical plane. Exhaustion comes suddenly. BRAIN FATIGUE. Dullness, CANNOT CONCENTRATE, cannot think long – mind is stopped. Paralytic state of mind. Imbecility. Indifference. Lacks will power to undertake anything. PHYSICAL WEARINESS- progressing from weariness to paralysis. Sleep does not refresh. Heaviness of limbs <while walking, after exertion. Numbness. Burning pain along the spine with great weakness < mental and physical exertion. Pain in posterior part of lower limbs. Excessive sexual desire, easy erections, easy excitement. …
PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA (Phyt.) فائٹولاکا – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA (Phyt.) فائٹولاکا CONSTANT INCLINATION TO CLENCH THE TEETH – AFFECTIONS OF MAMMAE MENTAL Wants to be naked during delirium. Shamelessness, exposes the person. Sadness, indifference and apathy. Desires to be killed. Aversion to mental work, to business. Refuses to eat. Weeping during menses. Delusions as if snakes all around her. Sensitive to pain. Desire to bite. PHYSICAL Affects bones, glands and the throat. Most symptoms are in the glands esp. breast, parotids and tonsils. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. AFFECTIONS OF MAMMAE. Pain in left mammae extending to the whole body. Inflammation, induration, …
PHYSOSTIGMA (Phys.) فائسوسٹگما – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PHYSOSTIGMA (Phys.) فائسوسٹگما EYE COMPLAINTS, NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS MENTAL Intense mental activity (Cann-i., Coff.), cannot stop thinking. Cannot concentrate the mind. PHYSICAL Heaviness of lids (Gels.). Night blindness; myopia. Twitching lids. Eye strain (Ruta, Onos., Nat-m.). Contractions of pupils. Defective accommodation; astigmatism. Glaucoma. Floating spots. Flashes. Profuse lachrymation. Photophobia. Could not get his will into his muscles. Muscle spasms and cramps. Numbness of distal extremities. Dread of cold water. Sudden jerking of extremities on falling asleep. MODALITIES AGG: Cold, draft. …
PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) فاسفورس – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) فاسفورس DIFFUSION IN ALL LEVELS MENTAL OPEN AND IMPRESSIONABLE. OVER-SENSITIVE TO EXTERNAL IMPRESSIONS. Started easily. SYMPATHETIC. Naive, easily trusting. ANXIETY, becomes “free-floating” with no identifiable cause, fear that something will happen. Anxiety others for. Strong anxiety about health esp. relatives. – easily reassured by the doctor. FEARS: thunderstorms, dark, being alone, something will happen, death, heart disease. Desires company. PHYSICAL HÆMORRHAGES. Menses copious, bright red. Epistaxis. UNQUENCHABLE THIRST esp. FOR COLD DRINKS, experiences burning pains internally, relieved by cold things. As soon as the water (or other liquids) becomes warm in the stomach it …
PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ The characteristic of this remedy is the great weakness which begins on the emotional level and gradually progresses to the mental and physical levels. The most usual cause is grief which progresses to such depth that freezes the individual. The patient becomes apathetic and indifferent that nothing can excite them. They stare at the wall with an empty look. They don’t care if they live or die. The falling of hair and the desire for juicy things are confirmatory symptoms for a Ph-ac. case. INDIFFERENCE, APATHY, AILMENTS FROM GRIEF MENTAL Weakness …
PETROLEUM (Petr.) پیٹرولیم پٹرولیم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA
PETROLEUM (Petr.) پیٹرولیم پٹرولیم DRY SKIN, NAUSEA MENTAL THINKS HE IS DOUBLE OR SOMEBODY ELSE IS LYING NEXT TO HIM. Feels that death is near and has to settle his affairs (presentiment of death). Depression with dim vision. Loss of memory, confusion. Does not recognize well known streets. Excited, irritable after coition. PHYSICAL Affects the skin and the mucus membranes. SKIN: DRY, CRACKED, DIRTY, HARD, ROUGH, THICKENED, raw. Wounds heal slowly. ERUPTIONS, usually with painful cracks. Eczema, psoriasis, herpes. <winter. Itching of skin, must scratch until is raw. DRY SKIN with INCREASED MUCUS SECRETIONS. Diarrhœa during skin …