
What is Homeopathy and how it works

  Homeopathy is a form of medicine which views and treats the body as a whole entity and helps it heal itself. It can be used for acute or chronic illnesses. The treatment is based on the principle that substances which are poisonous in…

All about homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed between 1790 and 1843 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician whose aim was to restore health to the sick through rapid and gentle means. By restoring health and harmony, homeopathy helps enable…

Mental Rubrics in Homeoapthy

    LIST OF MENTAL RUBRICS / SYMPTOMS IN HOMEOPATHY: Abandoned : Feeling of being left alone without help Forsaken : Feeling of being left alone without help Deserted : Feeling of being left alone when most needed Abashed :…