Sepsis – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Sepsis is a serious medical condition characterized by a whole-body inflammatory state (called a systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS) caused by infection.[1][2] The body may develop this inflammatory response to microbes in the blood. The related layman’s term is blood poisoning. Sepsis is usually treated in the intensive care unit with intravenous fluids and antibiotics. If fluid replacement is insufficient to maintain blood pressure, specific vasopressor drugs can be used. Artificial ventilation and dialysis may be needed to support the function of the lungs and kidneys, respectively. To guide therapy, a central venous catheter and an arterial catheter may …
Anemia – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Anemia (AmE) or anæmia/anaemia (BrE) (from the Ancient Greek anaîmia, meaning “without blood”) is defined as a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of hemoglobin, a molecule found inside red blood cells (RBCs). Since hemoglobin normally carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, anemia leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organs. Since all human cells depend on oxygen for survival, varying degrees of anemia can have a wide range of clinical consequences. Anemia is caused by the lack of iron in the body as well. The three main classes of anemia include excessive blood loss (acutely such as a hemorrhage or …
Cardiomyopathy – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Cardiomyopathy, which literally means “heart muscle disease,” is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium (i.e., the actual heart muscle) for any reason. People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both.[1] Cardiomyopathies can generally be categorized into two groups, based on World Health Organization guidelines: extrinsic cardiomyopathies and intrinsic cardiomyopathies.[2] Extrinsic cardiomyopathies These are cardiomyopathies where the primary pathology is outside the myocardium itself. Most cardiomyopathies are extrinsic, because by far the most common cause of a cardiomyopathy is ischemia. The World Health Organization calls these specific cardiomyopathies:[2] Coronary artery disease Congenital …
Ischaemic heart disease – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Ischaemic or ischemic heart disease (IHD), or myocardial ischaemia, is a disease characterized by reduced blood supply to the heart muscle, usually due to coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries). Its risk increases with age, smoking, hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol levels), diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and is more common in men and those who have close relatives with ischaemic heart disease. Symptoms of stable ischaemic heart disease include angina (characteristic chest pain on exertion) and decreased exercise tolerance. Unstable IHD presents itself as chest pain or other symptoms at rest, or rapidly worsening angina. Diagnosis of IHD is …
Palladium پلاڈیم – The Essential Homeopathic Features Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA by George Vithoulkas
Palladium پلاڈیم – The Essential Homeopathic Features Palladium patients are having tremendous emotional insecurity with strong emotions that cannot be expressed, and in this way creating a blockade, a deep inner conflict that needs constant support on the part of those around and especially those whom they are intimately connected, all this is coupled with a tremendous unexpressed egoism. They actually think all the time that they are worth more than the others think about them, and it does not matter how much praise they may others use for them it is never enough. An insatiable hunger for flattery, not …
CONIUM MACULATUM کونیم The essential features: Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA by George Vithoulkas
CONIUM MACULATUM کونیم Poison Hemlock. N.O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of fresh plant in flower. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES The idea of paralysis in Conium is not so much the one we know from Socrates’ death by the ‘noggin of hemlock’; real paralysis comes only as an end result, and this may take a very long time, twenty years, thirty years, or more. Conium suffers with a gradually progressing weakness and paresis, and gradual is the key word here. The idea is much more that of sclerosis, of becoming hard, especially the glands, which become swollen and indurated. A gradually progressing weakness …
DIGITALIS – ڈیجیٹیلس The essential features: Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA by George Vithoulkas
DIGITALIS – ڈیجیٹیلس Digitalis purpurea. The foxglove. N.O. Scrophulariaceae. Tincture of the second year leaves. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES Digitalis is primarily a heart remedy. It should be considered when the pulse is abnormally slow and later in the pathology, fast or irregular, intermittent; where there is heart disease, with great weakness, and the patient can hardly talk, and is losing strength to the point that he feels faint. Cold skin and irregular respiration will often point to such cardiac pathology. All this can be accompanied by deathly nausea and emptiness in the stomach; weakness and dilation of the …
Ascariasis – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Ascariasis is a human disease caused by the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. Perhaps as many as one quarter of the world’s people are infected[1], and ascariasis is particularly prevalent in tropical regions and in areas of poor hygiene. Other species of the genus Ascaris are parasitic and can cause disease in domestic animals. Infection occurs through ingestion of food contaminated with feces containing Ascaris eggs. The larvae hatch, burrow through the intestine, reach the lungs, and finally migrate up the respiratory tract. From there they are then reswallowed and mature in the intestine, growing up to 30 cm (12 in.) …
ایلیم سیپا – اردو ہومیوپیتھی Allium Cepa
ایلیم سیپا Allium Cepa دنیاۓ ہومیوپیتھی میں ڈاکٹر ولیم بورک کی کثیر المطالعہ تصنیف ” بورک میٹریا میڈیکا ” کلیدی حیثیت رکھتی ہے جس کے انگریزی میں کئی ایڈیشن شائع ہو چکے ہیں اور یہ دوا میٹریا میڈ یکا میں (22) نمبر پر ہے۔ ایلیم سیپا شدید نزلہ زکام میں کام آتی ہے جبکہ ناک سے بہت جلندار پانی کی طرح مواد نکلتا ہو اور آنکھوں سے سادہ آنسو خارج ہوتے ہوں۔ ناک کے مسوں میں یہ دوا مفید ہوتی ہے۔ جو پانی کی طرح کا مواد ناک سے بہتا ہو وہ اوپر والے ہونٹ پر جلن کا باعث بنتا ہو …
مرض اور ہومیوپیتھی
ڈاکٹر ہانیمین نے اپنی شہرۂ آفاق تصنیف آرگنن آف ہومیوپیتھک میں مرض کے متعلق لکھا کہ جسم انسانی کے کسی خاص اعضاء یا متعدد اعضاء کی نارمل کارکردگی میں کوئی نقص پیدا ہو جانا مرض کہلاتا ہے۔ جب بھی جسم کے اندر کوئی نقص پیدا ہوتا ہے تو جسم کی اپنی قوت حیات (ایمیونٹی سسٹم) اس کے خلاف اٹھ کھڑی ہوتی ہے۔ وہ مرض کو جسم سے باہر پھینکنے کی ہر ممکن کوشش کرتی ہے۔ اگر مرض زیادہ طاقت ور ہو قوت حیات دب کر رہ جاتی ہے۔ مرض قوت حیات اور سارے جسم پر قابض ہو جاتا ہے۔ جسم کو …