How long does Homeopathic Treatment take to cure Autism, Autistic Children?
How long does it take to cure Autism? What is the treatment duration for autistic children? This is a very valid question and often among the first few questions that parents of autistic children ask. The honest answer is that Doctors do not know for sure. It is not only for Autism but also for all other chronic diseases like asthma, allergies, psoriasis, arthritis, hypothyroidism, eczema etc). The treatment duration varies from individual to individual. It can be 1-3 years for a mild autism case and 5-10 years for a severe autistic case. And ‘cure’ is not always possible. Cure …
Does homeopathy have any curative treatment for mild or borderline autism?
Homeopathy for Mild or Borderline Autism Clinically mild autism relates to the cases which do not have any mental retardation or significant hyperactivity associated with it. Cases of mild autism can show some delayed milestones, poor eye contact and social contact. However, there comprehension and command-following is close to normal. Homeopathy does offer treatment for autism and homeopathic medicine does give the best results in cases of mild autism. The more significant is autism, the poorer is the prognosis. Homeopathy for autism is beneficial if classical homeopathic prescribing process if used. This is the standard homeopathic treatment based on cause and symptom …
Is there any Homeopathic Medicine for autism, ASD, ADHD?
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine. It means that it does not treat diseases, including autism, by its name. While the name is important for diagnosis, prognosis and management, the homeopathic medicine for autism is selected on the basis of cause, presenting symptoms and family history. To find the most suitable homeopathic medicine for autism for a particular case, you will need to consult a professional classical homeopathic Doctor who will take the complete medical history (homeopathic case-taking) and will then prescribe a homeopathic medicine that appears suitable for a particular case of autism in a particular situation. …
The Role of Carcinosinum in Treating Autism and ADHD: A Safe and Effective Homeopathic Remedy – Hussain Kaisrani
The Role of Carcinosinum in Treating Autism and ADHD: A Safe and Effective Homeopathic Remedy Carcinosinum in Homeopathy: Treating Autism and ADHD Safely Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that focuses on treating the individual as a whole rather than simply addressing symptoms. Remedies are prescribed based on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can, in diluted form, help treat those same symptoms in a sick person. Carcinosinum, a homeopathic remedy made from cancerous tissue, is often used in treating conditions such as Autism and ADHD. While the …
Is there any autism cure in homeopathy?
‘Cure’ is a very big word. It effectively means complete restoration of health. A complete restoration of health is often not possible in a large number of patients. However, different degrees of improvement is possible in different cases of autism depending upon the cause, severity and the accuracy of homeopathic treatment. Autism cure with homeopathy is possible, but the results vary from case to case. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats on the basis of symptom similarity. Homeopathic literature documents many cases of autism ‘cured’ with homeopathy or relieved with homeopathy. Homeopathy treatment for autism is only …
BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD, ADHD, ASD, ADD, AUTISM and Homeopathic approach, medicines and Treatment
Introduction Behavioral problems form a considerable chunk of psychological difficulties in children. It is often difficult to identify these problems due to lack of awareness. The child is often labeled as a trouble maker, punished, ignored and ostracized by colleagues, teachers and family members. Even the parents find it difficult to deal with such issues. The future of these children is then jeopardized. There is an urgent need to take steps for better understanding of the problem and attend to it comprehensively. Problematic behavior often leads to trouble for the child and the people around it. But when the same …