Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted. Carl Arnold Ruge is credited with having first defined varicose veins as “any dilated, elongated and tortuous vein irrespective of size”. The term commonly refers to the veins on the…
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, also known as Hodgkin’s disease, is a type of lymphoma first described by Thomas Hodgkin in 1832. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is characterized clinically by the orderly spread of disease from one lymph node group to another and by the…
Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells attack and destroy the exocrine glands that produce tears and saliva. It is named after Swedish ophthalmologist Henrik Sjögren (1899-1986), who first described it. Sjögren’s syndrome is also associated with…
Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of genetic, hereditary muscle diseases that cause progressive muscle weakness.[1][2] Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue.[3] Nine diseases including…
Leukemia or leukaemia (Greek leukos λευκ?ς, “white”; aima α?μα, “blood”) is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow and is characterized by an abnormal proliferation (production by multiplication) of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). Leukemia is a…
Bedwetting is involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which bladder control would normally be anticipated. The medical term for this condition is “nocturnal enuresis.” Primary Nocturnal Enuresis (PNE) is when a child has not yet stayed dry on…
Cardiomyopathy, which literally means “heart muscle disease,” is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium (i.e., the actual heart muscle) for any reason. People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both.[1] Cardiomyopathies…
A venous thrombosis is a blood clot that forms within a vein. (Thrombosis is a specific medical term for a blood clot that remains in the place where it formed.) Classification of Venous thrombosis Superficial venous thromboses can cause discomfort…
Constipation, costiveness, or irregularity, is a condition of the digestive system in which a person (or animal) experiences hard feces that are difficult to expel. This usually happens because the colon absorbs too much water from the food. If the…
In medicine, diarrhea, also spelled diarrhoea (see spelling differences), is frequent loose or liquid bowel movements. Although for many people diarrhea is merely unpleasant, diarrhea that is both acute and severe is a common cause of death in developing countries…