ADHD Different Etiologies and Three Surprising Homeopathic Remedies
The diagnosis of attention deficit and /or hyperactivity and other behavioral disorders is a real world epidemic. A great number of parents are looking for natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs usually prescribed to “fix” these problems. My experience of the past 30 years has led me to three conclusions (observations) I would like to share. There are various etiologies able to explain these types of problems. Homeopaths know a great number of remedies addressing the different causes (such as a very stimulating diet, emotional problems, dyslexia, vaccination side effects, etc.) Once the causes are eliminated, the symptoms disappear. Some amazing …
Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies for Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual cramps / dysmenorrhea / Painful Menstruation / Painful Menses)
Menstrual cramps / dysmenorrhea / Painful Menstruation / Painful Menses affect many women. Some mildly and some more seriously. Homeopathic remedies can help ease the pain of menstrual cramps naturally – and sometimes need to be taken very frequently at first (even as often as every 2-3 minutes) to achieve relief. If this is the case, five tablets or globules of the remedy can be dissolved in one-half glass of water and the water can be sipped, each sip serving as one dose. Below is a list of remedies that should be considered when looking to relieve the symptoms of menstrual cramps: Primary …
A Solved Case of severe Constipation and Hemorrhoids / Piles / varicose veins / بواسیر کا کامیاب کیس – ہومیوپیتھک علاج – Hussain Kaisrani
A lady age 30 years working as a programmer in an IT department of multinational company wanted to get homeopathic treatment of her piles problem شدید قبض اور بواسیر کا ہومیوپیتھک علاج . She sent her case through email and her medicines were dispatched as she was not comfortable to visit and discuss her case personally. Following is the summary of her case received by email. Her childhood and young age remained healthy. Had constipation and hard stool problem since 5 years or so Six months ago she noticed blood with stool Gradually blood with pain and itching started Since …
Dr. C. G. Raue discusses Panaritium and presents important remedies with keynotes
It is an inflammation of the thumb or of one of the fingers, which terminates in suppuration. There are two distinct varieties of this inflammation, a superficial and a deep-seated one. The superficial form, Whitlow, Run-Around, is generally seated immediately around and beneath the nail, commencing either at the side of the finger, upon its dorsal surface, or at its extremity. Without much, if any swelling, the part is of a dusky reddish aspect, tender on pressure, and exquisitely painful, throbbing violently and incessantly, and causing more or less constitutional disorder. Two or three days after these phenomena present themselves, …
Homeopathic Treatment for involuntary Urination in old age
Mr JA – age 56 – contacted us in December 2015. He was feeling pale and highly disturbed. His confidence level was shaken and it was difficult for him to explain his case. His birth, childhood and teen age life was normal, healthy and fit At the age of 22 he remained hospitalized and too much medication was used After two months hospitalization it was diagnosed that he had Typhoid but it was disturbed a lot. He got bit better after long treatment but caught by TB. TB course was done and he gradually became healthy. He had no family history of …
Homeopathic Treatment for Pollen Allergy, flu, sneezing, nose running and blockage
Mr BK Khan age 27 from Lahore visited for his treatment. He was reffered by one of my old patient who faced same kind of problem for years. The summary of Mr BK Khan case is being reproduced below. Early Morning whenever gets up or travels to some other city, he starts feeling too much Itching / irritation in the nose. Other than this Too much Sneezing Nose watery and he needs too many tissue to use every hour One nose remains closed – no fix side – in general Pressure on eyes Hunger increase with the increase in above mentioned problem Laziness feeling when …